Let’s make sure with all our excitement over Ai we understand it’s bias problems! #ai #BiasInArtificialIntelligence
#ai #biasinartificialintelligence
Pour ceux qui s'intéressent aux biais algorithmiques, je recommande vivement la dernière newsletter Ethics and society de @huggingface par @yjernite
J'ai rarement lu quelque chose d'aussi clair sur le sujet et l'article contient plein de liens vers des outils pour mesurer et diminuer les biais.
#aiethics #algorithmicbias #biasinartificialintelligence
I’ve been loving making imagery on #Midjourney but very quickly discovered its inherited biases: without qualifiers, the ideal of female beauty is *thin* and *white.* It annoys me hugely that to get images of AVERAGE women, I had to use prompts like ‘plus-size.’
#Midjourney #AI #ArtificialIntelligenceBias #GeneratedArt #BiasInAI #BiasInArtificialIntelligence
#midjourney #ai #artificialintelligencebias #generatedArt #biasinai #biasinartificialintelligence