Hollie Roberts executive director of Bible Study Fellowship International
Men, women, and children all over the world can study the Bible from September to May in person groups or online.
we’re talking about what you can expect in the upcoming study 2023-24-year John's Gospel.
Hollie says, come and see
@WeAreBSF @TheCallwithNancySabato

#johnsgospel #jesus #gospelofjohn #bsf #biblestudyfellowship #hollieroberts

Last updated 1 year ago

Bible Study Fellowship Kingdom Divided with Hollie Roberts
Hollie Roberts joins The Call, Hollie is the Executive Director of Bible Study Fellowship an International in-depth Bible Study that meets all over the world in person and online.
she’s going to talk about why we study the Bible, what we are currently studying, and Hollie's life before Bible Study Fellowship YouTube

#bible #biblestudyfellowship #hollieroberts #kingdomdivided #biblestudy #thecall #wearebsf #bsf

Last updated 2 years ago