Deconstructing the historical Jesus: The final Nine Inch Nail in the coffin for Abrahamic conservatism.
I just added 4 more lectures to my site by American New Testament scholar Bart D. Ehrman from his audiobook course “The Historical Jesus” in which he expands on the argument put forward in the book “Jesus: Apocalyptic Prophet of the New Millennium” that Jesus of Nazareth was an apocalyptic preacher.
#bartehrman #biblicalcriticism #thehistoricaljesus
I've not been online for a few weeks, and finding I have forgotten all the shortcuts on #mastodon
Last week I found I'd forgotten my PIN numbers on 2 debit cards I use everyday, which I've had for 10+ years.
Stress & mental turmoil really can do weird things to my memory. Perhaps it is a valuable protection mechanism.
Have been absorbed in reading & thinking about #ChurchHistory, #BiblicalCriticism, #CounterApologetics, understanding #evangelicalism.
Systematically listening to #BobDylan
#mastodon #churchhistory #biblicalcriticism #counterapologetics #evangelicalism #bobdylan