James Fields :verified: · @jfslicer
156 followers · 588 posts · Server deacon.social

I'm not exaggerating when I say every week in Hebrew class someone asks "Why is Hebrew like that?"

Today someone took it a step further asking: "Why is Hebrew like that? Why don't they use the word of? I mean, which came first English or Hebrew?"

I think they meant did languages without "of" predate languages with "of," but man what a strange question.

#hebrew #biblicalhebrew #LanguageLearning

Last updated 1 year ago

James Fields :verified: · @jfslicer
156 followers · 584 posts · Server deacon.social

I really wish it was easier to get the meta data of the Bible. Like I want to be able to quickly determine the most common words in Hebrew or Greek in a book. But it doesn't seem as doable in the original languages as it is in English.

It's hard to make a list of words to learn/memorize without this info.

#biblicalstudies #biblicalhebrew #biblicalgreek

Last updated 1 year ago

Camil Staps · @CamilStaps
40 followers · 71 posts · Server mstdn.social

Interesting analysis by Vladimir Olivero of Biblical Hebrew אָז-yiqtol as an evidential strategy: "then he must have ..." / "then he reportedly ..." (and therefore distinct from indicative אָז-qatal). doi.org/10.1093/jss/fgad004

#biblicalhebrew #hebrew #linguistics

Last updated 1 year ago

James Fields :verified: · @jfslicer
136 followers · 384 posts · Server deacon.social

ChatGPT might be one of the best new tools for language learning. Here's me asking it for random sentences to translate.

I also asked it if it could provide sample translations sentences from a specific book of the Bible and it was able to generate a random list of sentences for me to practice translating.

#language #biblicalhebrew #LanguageLearning #biblicalstudies

Last updated 2 years ago

Upstart Crow · @UpstartCrow
883 followers · 1856 posts · Server universeodon.com

Ned Hairston :verified_gay:

I'm a gay, , of a church. I speak English and sign . I'm currently learning . I'm , have , and . My interests include the , , and , (yes , but not just furry), + culture and , , Classic Dungeons & Dragons (AD&D, B/X), , , , and whatever new thing I learned about this week from YouTube/XKCD/social/wherever.


Dirt Road
by Carl J Shoemaker

#disabled #asl #mythology #folklore #art #Furry #lgbtqia #foss #discworld #follow #boost #altext #photo #MastoArt #gimp #pastor #nondenominational #biblicalhebrew #epileptic #ibs #gout #bible #ancient #neareast #history #activism #marvelcomics #startrek

Last updated 2 years ago

James Fields :verified: · @jfslicer
130 followers · 349 posts · Server deacon.social

Ok folks. I can’t wrap my head around personal pronouns. I’ve breezed through the first 14 chapters of this book, and chapter 15 makes sense when I read it. BUT when I do the read the sentences in the exercises I say to myself “I have never seen this word before in my life.” And that’s obviously not true…

Anyone else have struggles like this? Tips on getting through it?

#biblicalhebrew #LanguageLearning

Last updated 2 years ago

James Fields :verified: · @jfslicer
125 followers · 334 posts · Server deacon.social

I feel like my study area can get a bit messy, but sometimes that’s what we need to remember things.

#biblicalhebrew #LanguageLearning #today

Last updated 2 years ago

James Fields :verified: · @jfslicer
125 followers · 334 posts · Server deacon.social

I feel like my study area can get a bit messy, but sometimes that’s what we need to remember things.

#biblicalhebrew #LanguageLearning

Last updated 2 years ago

James Fields :verified: · @jfslicer
125 followers · 333 posts · Server deacon.social

Funny realization while learning Hebrew:

Rachel means ewe. The female version of the verb “came” is ba-a. So in Genesis when it’s telling us about the female shepherdess named Rachel and how she came out to meet Jacob it says:

Ewe baaa.

There’s a fun word play that she baaed like a sheep AND she came out to meet him.

Do you know any other fun word plays in the Bible?

#biblicalhebrew #languages #hebrew #biblicalstudies #LanguageLearning

Last updated 2 years ago

Grahame Bowland · @grahame
167 followers · 21 posts · Server deacon.social

I've just updated another of my tools – readings of the entire Hebrew Bible by Abraham Shmuelof, paired with the Masoretic Text of the Bible from Sefaria, with an optional interlinear display of the JPS translation of the Tanakh.

Check it out here: grahame.dev/shmuelof/

I've found listening and tracking along helpful for building reading proficiency. Plus, the recordings themselves are a fascinating historical artifact.

#biblicalhebrew #biblicalstudies #HebrewBible #classicalhebrew

Last updated 2 years ago

Grahame Bowland · @grahame
166 followers · 17 posts · Server deacon.social

For anyone studying , here's a flash card app I wrote to help learn basic vocabulary, based off Victoria Hoffer's book. grahame.dev/baraq/

It lets you randomise the cards, and retake quizes with just the words you got wrong, and the words related to the ones you got wrong – I've found it quite handy.

#biblicalhebrew #hebrew #biblicalstudies

Last updated 2 years ago

Robbie A, Conlanger · @Alamantus
59 followers · 158 posts · Server polyglot.city

I would interpret *that* translation as either:

1. A man who allows other people to sleep with his wife, that man and those people should die (I'd guess for using his wife for his own gain)

2. Or (less likely) A man who lets another man sleep in his wife's bed while that other man is staying with them (lodging) should be put to death (for leaving his wife without a place to sleep)

So "don't force your wife be a prostitute", not "don't be gay"


#biblicalhebrew #translation

Last updated 6 years ago

Robbie A, Conlanger · @Alamantus
59 followers · 158 posts · Server polyglot.city

So potentially valid translations also include:

"And do not lay mankind (in) a wife's bed; that is taboo."


"And do not let mankind have sex (in) a wife's bed; it is taboo."

I did more work on 20:13, so let's move on to that, and I'll wrap that up with an interpretation of what my translation of the decree could mean.


#transtlation #biblicalhebrew

Last updated 6 years ago

Robbie A, Conlanger · @Alamantus
59 followers · 158 posts · Server polyglot.city

It's been 7 years since I studied Biblical Hebrew in any capacity, but last night, I couldn't go to sleep until I translated Leviticus 20:13 and 18:22, which are traditionally translated as being about homosexuality ("lying with a man as with a woman"). Fortunately a bunch of helpful things came back to me like some verb tense concepts and possessive form markers.

So here's a thread with my translation breakdown that I'm pretty sure is equally valid!


#translation #biblicalhebrew

Last updated 6 years ago