
As you say, all terms are loaded. Dealing with words is often making the least bad choice in context (at least for those of us without legions of adoring fans).

In my observation (as an outsider), scholars (outside of conservative Christian schools) seem to have landed on due to the concerns you highlight, but typically keep New Testament. That's one solution, as long as we remember what gets lost (e.g. Aramaic, textual criticism). šŸ™‚

#HebrewBible #biblicalstudies

Last updated 1 year ago

Open Ink · @Infodump
39 followers · 578 posts · Server masto.ai

Progressive , what do you make of the doctrine of total depravity?

I am trying to understand how a savior is needed if that concept isnā€™t somehow an accurate interpretation.

#christians #religion #religioustrauma #biblicalstudies #bible #christianity #atheist #agnostic #progressivechristianity #theology #doctrine

Last updated 1 year ago

James Fields :verified: · @jfslicer
156 followers · 584 posts · Server deacon.social

I really wish it was easier to get the meta data of the Bible. Like I want to be able to quickly determine the most common words in Hebrew or Greek in a book. But it doesn't seem as doable in the original languages as it is in English.

It's hard to make a list of words to learn/memorize without this info.

#biblicalstudies #biblicalhebrew #biblicalgreek

Last updated 1 year ago

James Fields :verified: · @jfslicer
156 followers · 584 posts · Server deacon.social

@WordyAnchorite @egalandbooks

I was going to say the same!

Also you can follow hashtags. That how I find some of the people I follow. They're just out there speaking into hashtags like

#christian #christianity #theology #biblicalstudies #theologidon

Last updated 1 year ago

Anarchy How · @Anarchy_How
379 followers · 1139 posts · Server mastodon.green

Looking through an archive* today and found a history of and deities that dates to 101 CE!**

* ) The archive was my literature notes.
**) Upon further (unfunded) research, the dating of the text turned out to be a scribal error.

#yhwh #canaanite #religiousstudies #biblicalstudies

Last updated 1 year ago

Paul Davidson · @pauldavidson
552 followers · 311 posts · Server mas.to

Iā€™ve updated my big list of NIV mistranslations with several new entriesā€”most provided by readers of my blog, but a few discovered by myself as well.

This list is by far the most popular thing Iā€™ve ever created, with 136,000 views to date, so check it out.


#christianpublishing #religion #translation #biblicalstudies #Creationism #inerrancy #christianity #nivbible #bible

Last updated 1 year ago

Paul Davidson · @pauldavidson
551 followers · 310 posts · Server mas.to

What does it mean when the Bible says Goliath's spear had a shaft like a weaver's beam? Lachlan and I discuss ancient looms and an intriguing possibility about the warrior Elhanan in a chat on Lachlan's channel.


#textiles #inerrancy #exvangelical #deconstruction #biblicalstudies #religion #mythology #judaism #christianity #bible

Last updated 2 years ago

Paul Davidson · @pauldavidson
551 followers · 310 posts · Server mas.to

New article: Israelite Divination and the Mysterious Teraphim

I briefly address the passages in the Bible that mention teraphim and discuss what these sacred objects were before moving on to the topic of Israelite divination.


#judaism #biblestudy #biblicalstudies #HigherCriticism #exvangelical #deconstruction #necromancy #divination #religion #history #ancientisrael #christianity #bible

Last updated 2 years ago

Paul Davidson · @pauldavidson
551 followers · 310 posts · Server mas.to

I have a new video up about the Bible's only ghost story ā€” King Saul's encounter with the ghost of Samuel at Endor.


#mythology #biblicalstudies #deconstruction #judaism #christianity #bible

Last updated 2 years ago

AnneTheWriter · @AnneTheWriter1
1728 followers · 956 posts · Server universeodon.com



(From , 1 John Chapter 4, copied for a debate on another platform with a .)

There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love.

We love because he first loved us.

If anyone says, "I love God," yet hates his brother, he is a liar. For anyone who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot love God, whom he has not seen.

And he has given us this command: Whoever loves must also love his brother.

#thebible #theological #christiannationalist #god #christiannationalism #evangelicals #evangelical #progressivechristianity #christianity #godislove #stophate #biblicalstudies #biblestudy #bible

Last updated 2 years ago

Juan C. Torres · @secularfidelity
71 followers · 229 posts · Server moth.social

Divine violence in the Old Testament is one of my favorite topics to read about.

#biblicalstudies #theology

Last updated 2 years ago

Nathaniel Metz · @NMetz
110 followers · 42 posts · Server religion.masto.host

I wrote out a summary of John Milbankā€™s chapter on the historicity of Jesusā€™ trial narrative in the gospels. I had not encountered his line of thinking before, so I tried to parse it out here.


@theologidons @theology

#theology #biblicalstudies #radicalorthodoxy #jesus #bible #NewTestament

Last updated 2 years ago

orthoheterodox1 · @orthoheterodox1
58 followers · 82 posts · Server mastodon.world
Andy Holt · @andyholt
4 followers · 2 posts · Server mas.to

As Iā€™ve studied Mark 15 this week Iā€™ve found it intriguing that Mark uses three titles for Jesus: king (6 times), Christ (v. 32) and Son (v. 39). These are the same three titles used in Psalm 2 of YHWHā€™s messiah. It adds, I think, an extra layer to the already thick references that show us this man dying on the cross is nothing less than the messiah, the Son of God.

#otinnt #biblicalstudies #biblicaltheology #bible

Last updated 2 years ago

Tony Watkins · @tony
157 followers · 114 posts · Server hcommons.social

If you're new to Mastodon *or if you're not!) and you work in, or are interested in and want to connect with others, here are four suggestions actions for you:

1. Add yourself to the Biblical Studies Herd list: bit.ly/BiblicalStudiesHerdForm

2. Look at the list to see who to follow: bit.ly/BiblicalStudiesHerdList

3. Follow the new @biblicalstudies group to receive tagged posts

4. Whenever you toot about tag @biblicalstudies so the group receives the posts & tag too (if you use camel case ā€“ capital B & S ā€“ it helps screen readers turn them into speech for those with visual difficulties).

Please boost!


Last updated 2 years ago

Tony Watkins · @tony
157 followers · 112 posts · Server hcommons.social

New article by Cedric E. W. Vine (Associate Professor of New Testament, Andrews University): EXODUS ALLUSIONS IN THE MIDSECTION OF THE GOSPEL OF MATTHEW.
He argues that multiple exodus allusions in the midsection of Matthewā€™s Gospel reveal an Evangelist who either anticipated the possible need for withdrawal from hostile host communities or affirmed an ongoing separation process.

#bible #newtestament #Gospels #matthew #matthewsgospel #exodus #biblicalstudies

Last updated 2 years ago

James Fields :verified: · @jfslicer
143 followers · 467 posts · Server deacon.social

For my personal study and devotion, Iā€™ve been writing little devotionals about Godā€™s attributes. So far Iā€™ve written one for each of these:


Which one should I do next? Whatā€™s your favorite attribute of God?

#christianity #god #theology #biblicalstudies #theologidon

Last updated 2 years ago

James Fields :verified: · @jfslicer
143 followers · 465 posts · Server deacon.social

I was listening to a presentation on animal sacrifice in the Bible and the speaker said he wanted to go to Israel and find all the bones from the millions of animals sacrificed because they havenā€™t been found yet.

This seemed odd to me. Surely a society that slaughters animals wouldnā€™t keep the bones around, theyā€™d grind them for agricultural use or dispose of them. Looking into it, animals fully decompose in 20 years. So there are no missing bone piles in Israel to find.


Last updated 2 years ago

Paul Davidson · @pauldavidson
551 followers · 310 posts · Server mas.to

I recently had a conversation with an Australian seminary student and YouTuber about the original legend of Goliath in which the famous giant was slain not by David, but by a warrior named Elhanan.


#mythology #history #biblicalstudies #exvangelical #deconstruction #judaism #christianity #bible

Last updated 2 years ago