Graeme Williams · @lagbolt
18 followers · 16 posts · Server

It's frustrating that good ideas move so slowly from one OPAC to another. If patrons can put a hold on a specific copy, they can minimize their carbon footprint by waiting for a copy at their local branch to become available. I didn't think any OPACs provided this functionality, but I just discovered that you *can* do it in Enterprise (e.g., and , I'm waiting for you ...

#TLC #bibliocommons #SirsiDynix

Last updated 2 years ago

Christina ✅ 🇨🇦 · @cosullivan
1319 followers · 10209 posts · Server E-tailer in my experience is superior to Amazon for price and selection.
Discovering book titles that get added to my wishlist: account, log on to library, enter title in catalog, look on righthand column for 'related' titles and for user-created public-facing lists containing title.
has some titles in .mobi format I can load onto my
Nancy Pearl's _Book Lust_ lists, but largely and its discussion groups

#bibliocommons #internetlibrary #kindle #goodreads

Last updated 5 years ago