The "Artificial Intelligence and Libraries #Bibliography" includes over 125 selected English-language articles and books that are useful in understanding how #libraries are exploring and adopting modern #artificialintelligence (#AI) #technologies. It covers works from January 2018 through August 2023.
#bibliography #libraries #artificialintelligence #ai #technologies
A searchable bibliography of publications relating to philosophy of memory:
Over 2000 entries.
Hosted by the Centre for Philosophy of Memory at the Universite Grenoble Alps.
#philosophy #philosophyOfMemory #memory #database #bibliography #CPM #UnversiteGrenobleAlps
#philosophy #PhilosophyOfMemory #memory #database #bibliography #cpm #unversitegrenoblealps
Thanks to everyone who voted (on the #bibliography system, hopefully ;) ).
#ChicagoStyle it will be, although, and sorry for the lack of precision, G4M should rather get "author-date" than "notes" variant, as we rarely have articles split into pages.
"Fun fact" is that #wikidot natively supports reference by number, IEEE-like, although, alas, the engine doesn't automate displaying in the order of appearance.
We'll show off #wiki's new section soonish! :)
#bibliography #chicagostyle #wikidot #wiki
Release 5.10 is online!
We are excited to announce the long-awaited release of #JabRef Version 5.10.
See our blog post for details. Especially the section for the #LInux users, if you want to build JabRef from source as we ship our custom #openjdk 21
And for #macOS users, we have good news as well. All our binaries are now proper signed and notarized again.
Contributors welcome!
#java #javafx #TexLatex #opensource #bibtex #bibliography #academia
#jabref #linux #openjdk #macos #java #javafx #texlatex #opensource #bibtex #bibliography #academia
@mcaleerp If you use bibliography software like zotero you don't need to worry about file name conventions. zotero + betterbibtex is awesome
@zotero #bibtex #citation #bibliography
#bibtex #citation #bibliography
Can anyone tell me why d’Aulnoy sorts after W and before Ø?
The "Wikidata Research Articles Dataset" comprises peer-reviewed full research papers about Wikidata from its first decade of existence (2012-2022).
#Wikidata #research #dataset #knowledgegraphs #bibliography
via @wikiresearch (but posted on #twitter)
#wikidata #research #dataset #KnowledgeGraphs #bibliography #twitter
Attention! We are opening up our #Bibliography of "The History of Public Health in Pre-industrial Societies" for crowd contributions. Check out our Google Doc to make comments or suggestions. We will close and update everything end Sept.
Writing up the paperwork for my research practicum this semester where I'll be working through identifying the books I found in the inventories I transcribed this and last summer. Through the magic of XQuery and having transcribed in TEI, I've figured out that there are 35 inventories comprising 3,470 book entries to identify!! 😳 So doing that plus reading up on quantitative book history, bibliographic metadata, and research data practices oughta keep me out of trouble in the practicum...
#BookHistory @bookhistodons #ResearchData #PhDLife #XML #TEI #Bibliography #Metadata
#bookhistory #researchdata #phdlife #xml #tei #bibliography #metadata
Rare Book School has added three online courses for the fall:
- Introduction to Bibliographical Research Methods for the Hand-Press Period
- From Poggio to Mabillon: The Study of Latin Manuscripts in the First Age of Print
- Building a BookLab
For the best chance of being admitted, apply by August 28.
#bibliography #bookhistory #manuscripts #philology #typography #libraries
#bibliography #bookhistory #manuscripts #philology #typography #libraries
The Far Right Bibliography: Spring 2019 Update #RadicalRight #FarRight #bibliography #throwback
#throwback #bibliography #FarRight #RadicalRight
Great profile of the Howard University #Librarian Dorothy Porter by Zita Nunes. Over the course of a long and distinguished career, she helped change how books about and by #Black authors were catalogued.
#africanamerican #bibliography #hbcu #black #librarian
🆕Es gibt einen Neuzugang bei unseren Spezialbibliografien:
die #Bibliografie der Benelux-#Grenzgeschichte (BBG) | #Bibliography of #Benelux Borderlands Histories (BBBH)
#Bibliografie #grenzgeschichte #bibliography #benelux #borderlandshistory
A question for paleographers in the fediverse: do you know of any #bibliography about #neurological issues and its reflect on #Writing ? I've found a pretty quivering script and it seems to me that the writer was too inexpert of maybe a (n old) person with steady hand problems.
Thank you in advance.
N.B. my manuscript is from the 16th c. but I think references to modern times will work as well
#bibliography #neurological #Writing #paleography #manuscripts
You all remember that annotated #bibliography I was writing back in January? The peer review is back!
"The manuscript is approved for publication as is. I think this is a strong entry."
I've never had a #peerreview come back with no suggested changes! I'm a little overwhelmed. There are a few things I'm going to do to it for my satisfaction, but I should be able to put this to bed pretty quickly.
#bibliography #peerreview #amwriting #histodons
Pretty proud of myself for my summer writing productivity. Two more items to go. One is a #bibliography and the other a co-authored pedagogy piece.
General Bibliography - General public bibliography for EOU and related research. #bibliography #dataset -
From Aldus to Molière: Bibliotheca Brookeriana to be auctioned by Sotheby's (starting October 11 in New York)
#earlymodern #renaissance #bookhistory #manuscripts #bibliography
#earlymodern #renaissance #bookhistory #manuscripts #bibliography
How A Venetian Monk Created The First Annotated Map Of The World
-- <-- shared technical article
#GIS #spatial #mapping #map #history #cartography #medieval #mappamundi #geography #cartographer #annotations #scientific #mapmaking #culture #sources #background #interpretation #bibliography #information #encyclopedia #observation #groundtruthing #historic #historicmaps #historicmapping #historicaldata #references
#gis #spatial #mapping #map #history #cartography #medieval #mappamundi #geography #cartographer #annotations #scientific #mapmaking #culture #sources #background #interpretation #bibliography #information #encyclopedia #observation #groundtruthing #historic #historicmaps #historicmapping #historicaldata #references
#digitization (of the day, -ish)
A recent pile of things that might interest #bibliography fans, and fin de siecle Little Magazine lovers:
- the April 1897 issue of "The Yellow Book"
- "Characteristics of Literature &c" (1851)
- 1930s Frank Woore booksellers' catalog
- Houghton Mifflin Spring 1915 catalog
- 24 individual issues of "Publishers' Circular and General Record of British & Foreign Literature &c" (all of 1853)
MA = 384/365 or about 1.052 uploads/day W00T!