Can Reading Make You Happier?
an appointment with a bibliotherapist may be the best gift you can give to yourself (i'm already looking for a bibliotherapist)
#books #BooksWorthReading #reading #therapy #bibliotherapy
#bibliotherapy #therapy #Reading #BooksWorthReading #Books
Aujourd'hui, c'est la #JourneeMondialeduLivre et des droits d'auteur/trice. Je profite de ce jour pour vous parler de bibliothérapie et de livres de self-help (ou livres d'auto-soins).
Tout d'abord, un peu d'histoire. Depuis l'apparition de l'écriture, les livres de soins et de conseils existent. Cependant, le terme #bibliotherapy est récent. Il serait apparu en 1916 sous la plume de l'essayiste Samuel Crothers.
#journeemondialedulivre #bibliotherapy
"Why reading books is good for society, wellbeing and your career
(...) For better mental health, read a book.
Studies show a range of psychological benefits from book-reading. Reading fiction can increase your capacity for empathy, through the process of seeing the world through a relatable character. Reading has been found to reduce stress as effectively as yoga. It is being prescribed for depression – a treatment known as bibliotherapy.
Book-reading is also a strong marker of curiosity – a quality prized by employers such as Google. Our research shows reading is as strongly associated with curiosity as interest in science, and more strongly than mathematical ability."
#reading #books #wellbeing #bibliotherapy
#Reading #books #wellbeing #bibliotherapy
Engage in some Shelf Care with #bibliotherapy #nomore
A fascinating meta-analysis which shows evidence that reading can literally be used as an effective treatment against anxiety and depression in children and adults. #reading #metaanalysis #bibliotherapy
#reading #metaanalysis #bibliotherapy