@maegul @chrisoffner3d @michaelsfuhrer Something similar to #lk99 happened when the #BICEP2 team announced signals of cosmic inflation in the cosmic microwave background. Essentially all the world experts descended on a Facebook group of all places & thrashed it out collegially. Also in the pandemic when experts thrashed out droplet vs aerosol transmission and there was a paradigm change in real time played out on arXiv & Twitter.
I don’t care if the floaty rocks pan out, I’m loving the #LK99 #superconductor chat on social media because it’s science done in real time. Reminds me of the #BICEP2 #CosmicMicrowaveBackground #CMB data claiming signatures from #inflation, when pretty much all the world experts joined a #Facebook group of all things to discuss. Also of how expert thinking on #COVIDisAirborne (droplets vs aerosols) evolved in real time on 🐦.
#COVIDisAirborne #facebook #inflation #cmb #cosmicmicrowavebackground #bicep2 #superconductor #lk99
@memmek2k Likewise, and it’s nowhere close to my field! Thrilling to see this science done in real time. (And my guilty pleasure is that I’m enjoying the fictionalised real time storytelling of 8teAPi too.) Reminds me a bit of the #BICEP2 claim of a cosmic inflation signal in the microwave background nearly 10 yrs ago - pretty much all the world experts congregated in a FB group of all places to discuss the science.