Morgan Fletcher :vbike: · @morgan
480 followers · 2373 posts · Server

BY POPULAR ACCLAIM - San Francisco Examiner - May 23, 1895

Wheelmen and Mission Residents Demand a Boulevard for Folsom Street.

Brilliant Parade of Bicyclists Followed by a Large and Enthusiastic Mass Meeting.

Japanese Lanterns and Plenty of Bunting Make the Route of the Procession Gay With Colors.


Members of the South Side Improvement Club, the Mechanics' Institute, Builders' Exchange and Supervisors Pledge Their Aid.

#bicyclehistory #Advocacy #bikesf #folsomstreet #sanfrancisco #BikeTooter #bicycle #goodroads #history #histodons #sfexaminer

Last updated 1 year ago

Morgan Fletcher :vbike: · @morgan
476 followers · 2269 posts · Server

I have a called which is where I gather the of the people, places, clubs, , of the in the during the late and early . I have this belief that, by learning about the love of the we once had, we can ensure a greater in our future. And I just like to read and share the stories of the past, there are some good ones.


Here is an account I made. It shows every change on the wiki. I could improve the feed, but this is new, and the URL is non-editable.

If you follow it, you'll get the new and changed pages as I make them. You can also follow it by following the hash tag.

If you'd like to contribute to, please let me know.

#wiki #wooljersey #stories #rides #races #bicycle #culture #sanfranciscobayarea #19thcentury #20thcentury #bike #bicycleculture #atom #feed #bicyclehistory #history #BikeTooter #sfbayarea #sfbike

Last updated 1 year ago

Morgan Fletcher :vbike: · @morgan
465 followers · 2165 posts · Server

Little Tin Gods on Wheels. - The San Francisco Examiner - Sunday, May 05, 1895

Thanks to @lahosken for the "now" photo, to go with the "then" photo.

The Midwinter Fair and its Music Concourse in 's were one year old, when this article about the and fad was written. The drawing of would have been drawn from a POV looking southwest.

"WHEN Society takes up a fad it does it thoroughly, whether it be for wheel or whoa. Just now it is wheels, and the horses are standing forgotten in their stalls, while the world tools itself over the broad red roads. Some go so far as to say that the horse's day is over forever, and that we will trundle down through the ages pneumatic tired, with moist foreheads and abnormally developed calves."

Read more here:

#sanfrancisco #GoldenGatePark #bicycle #bloomer #moonlight #bike #riders #BikeTooter #sfbike #history #bicyclehistory #ggp #fashion #womenonbikes

Last updated 1 year ago

Morgan Fletcher :vbike: · @morgan
414 followers · 1757 posts · Server

If you follow me, you know I'm interested in old-timey , especially local to the . Here's an account of climbing by (the ordinary, but the 'safety' bicycle) in 1889.

#bicyclehistory #sanfrancisco #bayarea #mtdiablo #bicycle #contracostacounty

Last updated 2 years ago

Stan Stallman · @stanstallman
477 followers · 2558 posts · Server
Morgan Fletcher :vbike: · @morgan
172 followers · 509 posts · Server

I research . I started a wiki to tell the story of the time before cars, when my place in the world loved . I see a lot of here, and I want , and to know about this .

What has been will be again,
    what has been done will be done again;
    there is nothing new under the sun.

#sanfrancisco #bayarea #bicyclehistory #bikes #bikeadvocacy #bikesf #bikeoakland #history #BikeTooter #mediawiki #bicycle #Advocacy

Last updated 2 years ago

Eric Reed · @EricReed
6 followers · 3 posts · Server

Hello! I’m a historian who has written about bicycling history, the Tour de France, popular culture history, sports history, modern Europe. Now: booze history, bourbon, how alcohol, race, cultural, world history intersect. My pro life = teaching college students, which I love. I enjoy satire.

#tourdefrance #bicycle #bicyclehistory #popularculture #sports #SportsHistory #moderneurope #worldhistory #bourbon #boozehistory #bourbonhistory #teaching #iloveteaching #pedagogy #collegeteaching #satire

Last updated 2 years ago

Eric Reed · @EricReed
6 followers · 3 posts · Server

Hello! I’m a historian, writen of bicycling history, the Tour de France, popular culture, sports history, and modern Europe. Now do booze & bourbon history, how alcohol, race, cultural and world history intersect. My professional life = teaching college students history, which I love. I enjoy satire and political criticism.

#tourdefrance #bicyclehistory #popularculture #SportsHistory #moderneurope #worldhistory #bourbon #boozehistory #bourbonhistory #racehistory #iloveteaching #collegeteaching

Last updated 2 years ago

Eric Reed · @EricReed
5 followers · 3 posts · Server

Hello! I’m a historian: published bicycling history, Tour de France, popular culture, sports, modern Europe. Now do booze history, bourbon history, booze/race/cultural/world history intersections. My professional life is teaching college students history: love. I enjoy satire.

#tourdefrance #bicycle #bicyclehistory #popularculture #sports #SportsHistory #moderneurope #worldhistory #bourbon #boozehistory #bourbonhistory #racehistory #teaching #iloveteaching #pedagogy #collegeteaching #satire

Last updated 2 years ago