‘This is a Phony Scandal’: Geraldo Rivera Battles Hannity On Biden Classified Docs Story..#BidenClassifiedDocuments #Fox https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/this-is-a-phony-scandal-geraldo-rivera-battles-hannity-on-biden-classified-docs-story/ar-AA172n9x?cvid=9b0f5fea5fe5447df1a8cb2b87d23e55&ocid=winp2fptaskbar
#bidenclassifieddocuments #fox
RT @mvhaydencenter
Our director @larrypfeifferdc was on @KatyOnMSNBC this afternoon and had a lot to say. Check it out.
@ScharSchool @GeorgeMasonU #intelligence #ClassifiedDocuments #PenceClassifiedDocuments #BidenClassifiedDocuments #TrumpClassifiedDocuments https://twitter.com/KatyOnMSNBC/status/1618331982122844160
#intelligence #classifieddocuments #penceclassifieddocuments #bidenclassifieddocuments #trumpclassifieddocuments
Our director @LarryPfeifferDC@twitter.com was on @KatyOnMSNBC@twitter.com this afternoon and had a lot to say. Check it out.
@ScharSchool@twitter.com @GeorgeMasonU@twitter.com #intelligence #ClassifiedDocuments #PenceClassifiedDocuments #BidenClassifiedDocuments #TrumpClassifiedDocuments
#intelligence #classifieddocuments #penceclassifieddocuments #bidenclassifieddocuments #Trumpclassifieddocuments
As in 2020, the Democrats have regrettably helped level the playing field and fueled ridiculous but effective WhatAboutIsm from the Republicans. There are important differences, of course. It usually doesn’t matter. #BidenClassifiedDocuments #BidenDocuments @courierjournal
#bidenclassifieddocuments #bidendocuments
“There are people in the Democratic Party & the establishment media who don’t want Joe Biden to run for reelection…And they’re clearing the political wickets for whoever might come next.” — @Kash talks #BidenClassifiedDocuments
#WhiteHouse Counsel's Office: No Visitors Logs at #Biden Home https://politicaliq.com/2023/01/16/white-house-counsels-office-no-visitors-logs-at-biden-home/ #BidenClassifiedDocuments #politicaliq #news #politics
#whitehouse #biden #bidenclassifieddocuments #politicaliq #News #politics
I am re-upping my 3min YT video because #ThisWeekInTech is about to start at 2:15pm PST & I REALLY want to hear your thoughts. @leo tries to minimize the amount of talk about #politics on the show. But I genuinely believe the #ClassifiedDocuments hub bub is a #TECH issue. So here I go again.
Why Are #ClassifiedDocuments Printed On Wood Fiber Paper At All? https://youtu.be/Y1t_CwszAMI
#BidenClassifiedDocuments #TrumpClassifiedDocuments #RFIDPaper #TrackablePaper
#ThisWeekInTech #politics #classifieddocuments #tech #bidenclassifieddocuments #trumpclassifieddocuments #rfidpaper #trackablepaper
Why Are #ClassifiedDocuments Printed On Wood Fiber Paper At All? https://youtu.be/Y1t_CwszAMI
#BidenClassifiedDocuments #TrumpClassifiedDocuments #RFIDPaper #TrackablePaper
#classifieddocuments #bidenclassifieddocuments #trumpclassifieddocuments #rfidpaper #trackablepaper
Why Are #ClassifiedDocuments Printed On Wood Fiber Paper At All? https://youtu.be/Y1t_CwszAMI
Classified documents should be printed on trackable paper (which exists and is on the market right now).
#BidenClassifiedDocuments #TrumpClassifiedDocuments #RFIDPaper #TrackablePaper
#classifieddocuments #bidenclassifieddocuments #trumpclassifieddocuments #rfidpaper #trackablepaper
#USA #Delaware #WashingtonDC: Weitere Geheimpapiere in Bidens Privathaus entdeckt. Laut #Sauber, sollen 6 Seiten geheimer Dokumente im Haus von Präsident #Biden in #Wilmington aus Bidens Zeit als US-Vizepräsident aufgefunden worden sein, nicht 1 Seite. #BidenClassifiedDocuments
#usa #delaware #WashingtonDC #Sauber #biden #wilmington #bidenclassifieddocuments
Chicago US Attorney John Lausch plans to leave the #JusticeDepartment “in early 2023” to return to the private sector. AG #MerrickGarland recently asked him to review the #BidenClassifiedDocuments
#lawyers #bidenclassifieddocuments #MerrickGarland #justicedepartment
RT @JamesRosenTV@twitter.com
BREAKING: The @WhiteHouse@twitter.com special counsel pledges to cooperate with the new special counsel probing the #BidenClassifiedDocuments, asserting that the storage of the materials at the office and home of @POTUS@twitter.com was “inadvertent” and a “mistake” — not a crime.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/JamesRosenTV/status/1613616062494375936
Meine Güte ist der Dokumentenfund für #Biden und sein Team peinlich. Einmal auf dem aufsteigenden Ast, und schon verkacken es die Demokraten wieder. Man kennt es 🤬👿 #BidenClassifiedDocuments
#biden #bidenclassifieddocuments
#Biden: I Take Classified Documents Seriously https://politicaliq.com/2023/01/12/biden-i-take-classified-documents-seriously/ #BidenClassifiedDocuments #politicaliq #news #politics
#biden #bidenclassifieddocuments #politicaliq #News #politics
Here is my take on the difference between Biden having classified documents and Trump having them.
Biden didn't plan a coup.
Biden wasn't owned by Russian dirty money.
Biden isn't surrounded by crooks.
Seems like Biden's lawyers are turning over the classified documents they found.
If they were being dishonest, they would have burned them wherever Mark Meadows was burning documents in the White House and nobody would have ever known about them. #BidenClassifiedDocuments
This is the original report that broke the story of #Batch2 but on the bird site, it's being buried under a mass of right-wing gibberish.
Biden aides find second batch of classified documents at new location
#batch2 #bidenclassifieddocuments