Cronache dalla #BiennalediVenezia: Uzbekistan tra arcaico e contemporaneo
Il padiglione è frutto di un lavoro collettivo e che ha coinvolto artisti e architetti internazionali al fianco degli studenti di architettura
Chronicles from #theVeniceBiennale: Uzbekistan between the archaic and the contemporary
The pavilion is the result of collective work involving international artists and architects alongside architecture students
24-5-2023 16:17 #Tutte le notizie di oggi - Carlino
#biennaledivenezia #thevenicebiennale #tutte
The word is out!
#Brussels ⇄ #Venice : 1163 km.
See you in the #BelgianPavilion at the 60th #BiennaleDiVenezia.
Best wishes,
#DenicolaiProvoost · #AntoinetteJattiot · #Nord · #Speculoos
#brussels #venice #belgianpavilion #biennaledivenezia #petticoatgovernment #denicolaiprovoost #antoinettejattiot #nord #speculoos
First Post on Mastodon. #FirstPostOnMastodon
Representing the Republic of Kyrgyzstan for its National Pavilion at the 59th Venice Biennale #biennaledivenezia #contemporaryartist We opened last April soon closing on Nov 24th. It was their 1st participation ever, and the fact I fundraised as an artist and French citizen of Iranian Heritage made many unhappy when announced. There are a lot of topics around this I would like to discuss #art #politics #centralasia #fundraising #artist #iran
#FirstPostOnMastodon #biennaledivenezia #contemporaryartist #art #politics #centralasia #fundraising #artist #iran