I don't know why I need to say this tonight but I'm bi.
Trust me, I would love to be straight or just plain gay. It would make life a whole lot easier.
But, I'm not. I'm bi.
I'm probably being alittle oversensitive. Stock has definitely said worse things and written worse articles over the years. But bi people hear things like this all the time. That if we are dating a man we shouldn't be allowed to march in Pride. That we are just greedy or confused. That we can't possibly understand how homophobia feels. That we haven't earned the right to call ourselves queer. And thats even if we are acknowledged at all
Reading this Kathleen Stock article, I expected the usual transphobia but I hadnt expected the casual biphobia. The one sentence in particular that lesbians and bisexual women are lumped in together in research "even when they're in exclusive relationships with men".
This is what people project onto bisexuality all the time. We are still bisexual whether we are dating a man, woman or non binary person
Was alles in der queeren Weihnachtsgeschichte »Ein Nikolaus zu Weihnachten« drinsteckt:
Konsumrausch an #weihnachten
#bisexuslität & #bierasure
Das Weihnachtsdorf
Das wahre Geschlecht der Rentiere 😄
#weihnachten #bisexuslitat #bierasure #ableismus #liebe
So proud of my friend for having this convo. I know it was difficult because his parents are good people and he wants them to be proud. But he won't take the easy way out and he let them know that the terms of their pride had to expand beyond what is convenient for them to comprehend. #BiPride #bierasure #lgbtq #selfadvocacy #difficultconversations
#BiPride #bierasure #lgbtq #selfadvocacy #difficultconversations
Unicode denied his first proposal for a emoji for the bisexual flag :bisexual: - yet rainbow- and trans*- flag emoji existing.
Bisexual Pride Flag Emoji Proposal - Tanner Marino
#bi #bisexual #bisexualflag #emoji #unicode #bierasure #bisexualerasure #bisexuell #bipride #lgbt #lbgtqia #2020
#bi #bisexual #bisexualflag #emoji #unicode #bierasure #bisexualerasure #bisexuell #bipride #lgbt #lbgtqia
It may sound silly, but when the people around me call me "gay", it invalidates the part of me who has sex with women as well as my relationships with my female partners, and I hate that. #bisexual #bisexuality #bierasure #bisexualerasure #bivisibility #stillbi #stillbisexual
#bisexual #bisexuality #bierasure #bisexualerasure #bivisibility #stillbi #stillbisexual
Trying to figure out what bothers me exactly when my friends and husband mislabel me as gay even though they know I'm #bisexual. It's hard to pin down.🙄#bierasure #bisexualerasure #stillbi #stillbisexual #bivisibility
#bisexual #bierasure #bisexualerasure #stillbi #stillbisexual #bivisibility