#TGIF and what could be better on a frosty day like this than two bock beers from 🇳🇱? Homeland (Amsterdam) Scheepsbock 2021 vs. #BigBelly Bockenreyder '22 Speculaas Bock. #BierNerd #schlueckglueckglueck
#tgif #bigbelly #biernerd #schlueckglueckglueck
Another seasonal special with #Tucher Christkindlesmarktbier ("Christkindl" being the Protestant equivalent of Saint Nicolas aka Santa Claus).
This Winter Ale is malty with roasted notes but also hints of fruit, especially oranges. 🇩🇪
#tucher #biernerd #schlueckglueckglueck
Ik ben Planetenpils aan het proeven. Niet slecht! Het smaakt gek genoeg een beetje... Eh... Limburgs. #biernerd #biertasting
Planet Lager from the Frisian Brewery. Not bad at all!