One of my friends is an experimental physicist involved in #QuantumComputing research.
We became friends cos she popped up on my #LastFM years ago and as soon as I saw #Physicist, I glommed onto her.
If she wasn't so busy, I would follow her everywhere, asking her #Physics questions. As it is, I save them up for when we chat and she's very patient, trying to explain the #PauliExclusionPrinciple or #BifurcationTheory.
I am an excitable physics-hungry labrador. I have ALL the questions.
#bifurcationtheory #pauliexclusionprinciple #physics #physicist #lastfm #quantumcomputing
I feel I should point out at this juncture: I am not and have never been a #Cosmonaut.
Ironically, you *can* use my body as a gravitational lens.
#MorbidObesity #OblateSpheroid #CalabiYauManifolds #BifurcationTheory #BraneTheory #TwistorTheory #QuantumGravity
#cosmonaut #morbidobesity #oblatespheroid #calabiyaumanifolds #bifurcationtheory #branetheory #twistortheory #quantumgravity
@ben This is why we need a real #Psychohistory. Last week was a tipping point, could we use #Ethnomethodolgy or #BifurcationTheory or some sociologically-tooled up #BoylesLaw to analyse it? Or predict the next shift? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
#psychohistory #ethnomethodolgy #bifurcationtheory #boyleslaw