This too ⤵️ on the #ClimateCrisis via Jonathan K Cook on @substack
“Very belatedly, the BBC, along with politicians and the corporations, concedes that the climate crisis is real and we therefore need to invest in lots of new expensive technologies that are supposedly going to save us. I argue that the climate crisis is real and that the new technologies being so aggressively promoted are mostly not going to help, and that instead the climate-crisis discourse is being weaponised to make Big Oil and other corporations even richer, while nothing effective is actually done.”
“We are about to set the evolutionary clock back by many tens of millions of years. If you understand Earth as a complex, living entity where humans have emerged as the pinnacle of consciousness after billions of years of evolution – the only place in the universe where we know for sure that has happened – continuing to trash the planet because doing something to stop it might infringe on our ‘personal liberty’ seems short-sighted, to put it mildly.”
#ClimateCrisis #ClimateDenial #bigBusiness
After the devastation of World War One, between 1917-1926 the UK government introduced the "excess profits duty" (tax) of 80% of profits above "pre-war standard profits".
Today, when grotesque profits are being made by big business out of the (so-called) "cost of living crisis", surely it's time for a similar period of excess profit tax?
Surely, it's big businesses "duty" to help us all out in this time of crisis?
Or is this only a "crisis" for the poor?
I won't hold my breath.
#WindfallTax #profiteering #capitalism #BigBusiness #tax #ExcessProfitsTax #profiteering #CostOfLivingCrisis #uk #ukPolitics
#windfalltax #profiteering #capitalism #bigBusiness #tax #excessprofitstax #Costoflivingcrisis #uk #ukpolitics
betrifft: ...: Beeren-Hunger: Süße Früchte - Bittere Wahrheiten | ARD Mediathek
> #Beeren -Hunger: Süße Früchte - Bittere Wahrheiten | Video | Der Boom von Beeren hält in Deutschland seit Jahren an. Heidel-, Blau- und Himbeeren gelten als trendiges 'Superfood', erste Wahl einer gesunden Ernährung. Immer größere Mengen werden aus dem Ausland importiert - vor allem aus Spanien und Südamerika. Doch unter welchen Umständen werden die Beeren produziert?
Mahlzeit ... ich könnt' kotzen.
#beeren #beerengier #superfood #bigBusiness
Me and my writer friends keep having trouble with #kdp on Amazon. All kinds of stories about how their books in various formats are being blocked.
It’s so not the business we started working with 15 years ago.
If you want exposure on KDP then you have to pay for it or be signed to their own publishing company which I hear is shitty too. Then again, all traditional publishers are shitty.
Now I rarely publish with them. Not like I mastered their algorithm to make money. I make my bulk through Apple, Kobo, paperback distribution channels, and various library services.
They say that no one stays at the top for long. Hopefully #amazon will get its feet kicked out in the next ten years and something revolutionary will rise.
#writingcommunity #amwriting #indiepublishing #indie #bigBusiness #TraditionalPublishing #anarchy
#kdp #amazon #writingcommunity #amwriting #indiepublishing #indie #bigBusiness #TraditionalPublishing #anarchy
While that is a good abstracted "effect of fascism" the story is simple.
> Facism is the melding of govt with #bigBusiness.
In the case of #theWest, the most fascism over the generations has stemmed from #banking and finance, but we see big #propertyDevelopers, BigPharma, #CAGEFAM and a MilitaryIndustrialComplex, as unwieldy and extremely dangerous bedfellows with govt.
Natural monopolies should only be govt managed.
#bigBusiness #theWest #banking #propertyDevelopers #cageFam #naturalMonopolies #MICIMATT #bigpharma
You do realise that fascism is the melding of govt and #bigBusiness, right?
Do please show us a #libertarian on fedi that is trying to gain lucrative billion dollar govt #rents.
Consider looking up #divideAndRule.
#bigBusiness #libertarian #rents #divideandrule
Fascism is the melding of govt with #bigBusiness.
It takes whatever angle is #expedient to achieve this. Eg. nationalist if that will appeal to some factions; neoliberal, technocratic solutions for others, who enjoy electronic hallucinations etc.
In WWII you should see the companies that lined up to support the German Miracle. The same ones building the "quarantine facilities" today, together with CAGEFAM.
Hi Augustus,
Some people decribe what you've written as #neoliberalism. We prefer to use the more direct terms, #corporatism, or #cronyCap.
The really interesting part is that traditionally the word to describe the melding of #bigBusiness with govt is actually, #fascism.
#neoliberalism #corporatism #cronycap #bigBusiness #fascism
Reminder there is no form of #fascism that involves talking about #populationGrowth.
Fascism is when they say the answer to population growth is a "efficient" melding of govt and #bigBusiness to streamline #forcedLabour and other forms of #authoritarian-style #slavery, eg. #debtBondage.
Thanks for understanding.
#bankerCrimes #cantillonEffect #CBDC #centralBankDigitalSlavery
#fascism #populationGrowth #bigBusiness #forcedlabour #authoritarian #slavery #debtBondage #bankerCrimes #cantilloneffect #cbdc #centralBankDigitalSlavery
The final solution is to have US corporations fund US-owned news in Australia…
#fakeBook #australia #corporatists #smallBusiness #bigBusiness #maximumEfficiency #finalSolution #journalism #facebookHasRefriendedAustralia
#obviously #fakebook #australia #corporatists #smallbusiness #bigBusiness #maximumEfficiency #finalsolution #journalism #facebookHasReFriendedAustralia
And when govt and #bigBusiness (ie. #GAFCAM + #Tesla) come together, you get #corporateState totalitarianism.
Its no wonder that #smallBusiness is suffering.
Look at #rhetoric. There are many signalling they "believe" in small business while gutting it. Such duplicity is common in upper echelons, they play both sides in war.
We think they've decided small business is "inefficient", but where's the discussion?
#bigBusiness #GAFCAM #tesla #corporateState #fascism #bigtech #smallbusiness #rhetoric #maximumEfficiency #growth #china
Public Private Partnership (#PPP) is increasing new-speak for #fascism in an era where govts serve the interests of #bigBusiness and gut the small ones.
#corporatism #publicPrivatePartnership #NewSpeak #smallBusiness #monopoly #bigTech #authoritarianism
#ppp #fascism #bigBusiness #corporatism #PublicPrivatePartnership #newspeak #smallbusiness #monopoly #bigtech #authoritarianism
Its not just the hoarding that robs people. Inflation via #moneyPrinting and #monopoly power are arguably much much worse.
The #corporateWelfare allows #bigBusiness to write laws that suit them also. For example, in #Australia #dodgyDevelopers are given billions of effectively #freeMoney from banks (and foreign oligarchs) to destroy entire neighbourhoods and replace them with #highrise hellholes. Govt rewrite laws to allow localities to be destroyed.
#moneyPrinting #monopoly #corporatewelfare #bigBusiness #australia #dodgyDevelopers #freeMoney #highrise #antitrust #gentrifiers
They tell us via #legacyMedia and now #socialMedia, to blame the #BigBadGovt, but this narrative feeds into the above.
Fascism is the melding of govt and #bigBusiness. Today's system is #fascism, not #capitalism.
Some have called it #CorporateTotalitarianism, or #CorporateState.
To fight it requires getting #NEOed. #Networking #Educating #Organising Engaging with Power, #Disobeying.
#antiTrust #corporateCoup #TheFed #SmedleyButler #whyBitcoin
@orekix @mlg
#legacymedia #socialmedia #BigBadGovt #bigBusiness #fascism #capitalism #CorporateTotalitarianism #corporateState #NEOED #networking #educating #organising #Disobeying #antitrust #corporatecoup #thefed #SmedleyButler #whyBitcoin
He effectively supports #humanTrafficking and #slaveTrade on behalf of #bigBusiness and mega-#corporations.
#InnesWillox says govt need to keep the #unemployed in #poverty to stimulate so-called #incentives for #workers to return to #unethical #jobs and #workingConditions.
#CEOclass #jeffreyEpsteinClass #cantillionaire #moneyPrinterGoBrr #macroBusiness #shill #neoFeudalism #corporateMedia #Australia #auspol
#humantrafficking #slaveTrade #bigBusiness #corporations #InnesWillox #unemployed #poverty #incentives #workers #unethical #jobs #workingconditions #CEOclass #jeffreyEpsteinClass #cantillionaire #moneyPrinterGoBrr #MacroBusiness #shill #neofeudalism #corporatemedia #australia #auspol
If Progressive #LandTax which affects the #extremelyWealthy translates to better #regulation (read: #protections) against the worst excesses of #bigBusiness, as it would under a GreenParty not beholden to them would - then, #heckYes!
#LandTax #extremelyWealthy #regulation #protections #bigBusiness #heckYes
#Govts and #bigBusiness are using the #opportunity (#crisis) for various things, good and bad, including, no particular order:
- test #reduceTravel (especially #airTravel), not necessarily for the #powerElite who can use #privateJets and #helicopters.
- test #UBI,
- buy up #assets at #lowerPrices,
- boost #militaryBudget, increase #militarisation of #policeForce (especially in #Australia),
#Govts #bigBusiness #opportunity #crisis #reduceTravel #airTravel #powerElite #privateJets #helicopters #ubi #assets #lowerPrices #militaryBudget #militarisation #policeForce #australia
#Fascism is often redefined as #bigotry.
So what is fascism.
It is the melding of #government and for-profit #corporations. The #slaveLabour camps were about powering the #industries. The #murder of the #minorities was only a convenient (for the #maniacal and #psychopathic) by-product.
#Mussolini, for example is still revered by many who benefitted from the #construction boom he instigated. He #streamlined #investmentOpportunities for #bigBusiness.
We can provide digestable info on the topic
#fascism #bigotry #government #corporations #slavelabour #industries #murder #minorities #maniacal #psychopathic #mussolini #construction #streamlined #investmentOpportunities #bigBusiness
, and now are rolling out a new #wireless network that has not been proven safe with over 230 #EMF scientists calling for more testing due to #melanoma and other legitimate concerns (backed up by #peerReviewed study over many years).
Can we really be lectured-to about safety?
Stay safe everyone.
#australia #covidsafe #contractTracing #contactTracing #overreach #massSurveillance #discrimination #extortion #holdingAustraliaHostage #corporatism #bigBusiness #fatigue #fear #isolation
#wireless #emf #melanoma #peerreviewed #australia #covidsafe #contractTracing #ContactTracing #overreach #masssurveillance #discrimination #extortion #holdingAustraliaHostage #corporatism #bigBusiness #fatigue #fear #isolation
#Australian's have reduced their energy consumption by about 40% since 2003.
What did our government do to boost #consumption again, with the help of #bigBusiness, and corrupt #lobbyists in #media?
They just brought in more people.
#australian #consumption #bigBusiness #lobbyists #media #gdp #overconsumption #gentrification