#AppleTVPlus Week in Review
#HighDesert 📅
#Stillwater 📅
#CityOnFire ⏳
#DropsOfGod ⏳
#Silo ⏳
#TedLasso ⏳
#BigBeasts 🎉
#TheBigDoorPrize 🎉
#TheLastThingHeToldMe 🎉
📅 Premiere, ⏳ Ongoing, 🎉 Finale
#Swagger S2
New premieres:
#TheSnoopyShow S3: Jun 9
#LovelyLittleFarm S2: Jun 16
#Swagger S2: Jun 23
#DuckAndGoose S2: Jul 7
#Physical S3: Aug 2
#EvaTheOwlet shorts: Aug 4
#OneOfAKindMarcie: Aug 18
#Peanuts specials: Sept 22
#peanuts #oneofakindmarcie #evatheowlet #physical #duckandgoose #lovelylittlefarm #TheSnoopyShow #KillersoftheFlowerMoon #swagger #TheLastThingHeToldMe #thebigdoorprize #bigbeasts #tedlasso #silo #dropsofgod #cityonfire #stillwater #highdesert #appletvplus
The last 2 episodes of #BigBeasts, narrated by #TomHiddleston, are out now on #AppleTVPlus.
“The Tiger” (S1, E9)
“The Polar Bear” (S1, E10)
#appletvplus #TomHiddleston #bigbeasts
The season finale of #BigBeasts is this Friday, May 19.
What is your favorite animal highlighted so far in the series?
#AppleTVPlus Week in Review
#CityOnFire 📅
#AppleMusicLive: #EdSheeran 📅
#BigBeasts ⏳
#TheBigDoorPrize ⏳
#DropsOfGod ⏳
#TheLastThingHeToldMe ⏳
#Silo ⏳
#TedLasso ⏳
📅 Premiere, ⏳ Ongoing
New premieres:
#Foundation S2: July 14
#TheBeanieBubble: July 28
#Foundation S2
#Stillwater S3
3 #Peabody awards
4 #IrishFilmAndTVAwards for #BadSisters
#Platonic world premiere in LA
Filming suspended for several shows due to #WGAStrike
#wgastrike #platonic #badsisters #irishfilmandtvawards #peabody #stillwater #thecrowdedroom #thebeaniebubble #foundation #tedlasso #silo #TheLastThingHeToldMe #dropsofgod #thebigdoorprize #bigbeasts #EdSheeran #applemusiclive #still #cityonfire #appletvplus
2 new episodes of #BigBeasts, narrated by #TomHiddleston, are out now on #AppleTVPlus.
“The Ostrich” (S1, E7)
“The Orangutan” (S1, E8)
#appletvplus #TomHiddleston #bigbeasts
Heute neu auf #AppleTVPlus 👇🏼
#Silo S01E01+E02 Premiere
#HarrietTheSpy S02 Premiere
#Peanuts Classics (7)
#TheLastThingHeToldMe S01E05
#DropsofGod S01E04
#BigBeasts S01E07+E08
Details und Vorschau: https://www.macprime.ch/a/news/neu-auf-apple-tv-plus-silo-harriet-the-spy-s2-und-7-peanuts-klassiker/
#AppleTVPlus #silo #harrietthespy #peanuts #thelastthinghetoldme #dropsofgod #bigbeasts
2 new episodes of #BigBeasts, narrated by #TomHiddleston, are out now on #AppleTVPlus.
“The Hippo” (S1, E5)
“The Brown Bear” (S1, E6)
#appletvplus #TomHiddleston #bigbeasts
May on #AppleTVPlus:
#HarrietTheSpy S2, #Silo, #ThePeanutsClassics, #CityOnFire, #STILL: A #MichaelJFox Movie, #HighDesert, #Stillwater S3, #PrehistoricPlanet S2, #Platonic
#Schmigadoon S2, #TheBigDoorPrize, #BigBeasts, #TheLastThingHeToldMe, #PrehistoricPlanet S2, #TedLasso S3
What are you most excited for?
#dropsofgod #tedlasso #TheLastThingHeToldMe #bigbeasts #thebigdoorprize #Schmigadoon #platonic #PrehistoricPlanet #stillwater #highdesert #michaeljfox #still #cityonfire #thepeanutsclassics #silo #HarrietTheSpy #appletvplus
#AppleTVPlus Week in Review
#FrogAndToad 📅
#BigBeasts ⏳
#TheBigDoorPrize ⏳
#DropsOfGod ⏳
#Schmigadoon ⏳
#TedLasso ⏳
#TheLastThingHeToldMe ⏳
📅 Premiere, ⏳ Ongoing
#HarrietTheSpy S2
#CristoFernández in #AcapulcoTV S2
Development news:
#Bearbrick ordered
#TheReluctantTraveler renewed
#TruthBeTold ended after 3 seasons
#BadSisters & #TheEssexSerpent win #BAFTAs
#Silo world premiere in London
#Ghosted is most watched film debut
#ghosted #silo #BAFTAs #TheEssexSerpent #badsisters #truthbetold #thereluctanttraveler #bearbrick #acapulcotv #cristofernandez #platonic #HarrietTheSpy #TheLastThingHeToldMe #tedlasso #Schmigadoon #dropsofgod #thebigdoorprize #bigbeasts #FrogandToad #appletvplus
Neu auf #AppleTVPlus 👇🏼
#FrogAndToad S01E01-E08
#TedLasso S03E07
#TheBigDoorPrize S01E07
#Schmigadoon S02E05
#TheLastThingHeToldMe S01E04
#DropsOfGod S01E03
#BigBeasts S01E03 + E04
Details und Vorschau: https://www.macprime.ch/a/news/neu-auf-apple-tv-plus-kinder-serie-und-episoden-laufender-serien
#AppleTVPlus #frogandtoad #tedlasso #thebigdoorprize #schmigadoon #thelastthinghetoldme #dropsofgod #bigbeasts
2 new episodes of #BigBeasts, narrated by #TomHiddleston, are out now on #AppleTVPlus.
“The Giant Otter” (S1, E3)
“The Gorilla” (S1, E4)
#appletvplus #TomHiddleston #bigbeasts
#AppleTVPlus Week in Review
#Ghosted 📅
#DropsOfGod 📅
#BigBeasts 📅
#TheBigDoorPrize ⏳
#Schmigadoon ⏳
#TedLasso ⏳
#TheLastThingHeToldMe ⏳
#Extrapolations 🎉
3 licensed films (US only)
📅 Premiere, ⏳ Ongoing, 🎉 Finale
New premieres:
#LessonsInChemistry this fall
#HannahWaddingham: #HomeForChristmas holiday 2023
#PrehistoricPlanet 2
#DearEdward cancelled
#DarkMatter finished filming
#darkmatter #dearedward #PrehistoricPlanet #highdesert #FrogandToad #cityonfire #homeforchristmas #hannahwaddingham #LessonsInChemistry #extrapolations #TheLastThingHeToldMe #tedlasso #Schmigadoon #thebigdoorprize #bigbeasts #dropsofgod #ghosted #appletvplus
Neu auf #AppleTVPlus 👇🏼
#Ghosted (Film)
#BigBeasts S01E01+E02
#DropsOfGod S01E01+E02
#Extrapolations S01E08 (Finale)
#TedLasso S03E06
#TheBigDoorPrize S01E06
#Schmigadoon S02E04
#TheLastThingHeToldMe S01E03
Details und Vorschau: https://www.macprime.ch/a/news/neu-auf-apple-tv-plus-ghosted-big-beasts-drops-of-god-und-extrapolations-finale/
#AppleTVPlus #Ghosted #bigbeasts #dropsofgod #extrapolations #tedlasso #thebigdoorprize #schmigadoon #thelastthinghetoldme
#BigBeasts has premiered on #AppleTVPlus.
The nature docuseries, narrated by #TomHiddleston, takes viewers around the globe, from freezing poles to tropical rainforests, to meet nature’s most captivating giants.
The first 2 episodes on the gray whale and the elephant seal are now streaming.
#TomHiddleston #appletvplus #bigbeasts
#BigBeasts premieres on #AppleTVPlus this Friday, April 21.
The nature docuseries, narrated by #TomHiddleston, takes viewers around the globe, from freezing poles to tropical rainforests, to meet nature’s most captivating giants.
#TomHiddleston #appletvplus #bigbeasts
#AppleTVPlus Week in Review
#TheBigDoorPrize 📅
#EvaTheOwlet 📅
#Tetris 📅
#CarpoolKaraoke ⏳
#Extrapolations ⏳
#HelloTomorrow ⏳
#MyKindOfCountry ⏳
#TheProblem ⏳
#TedLasso ⏳
#Liaison 🎉
📅 Premiere ⏳ Ongoing 🎉 Finale
New premieres:
#BigBeasts: Apr 21
#TheAfterparty S2: Jul 12
#KillersOfTheFlowerMoon: Oct 6 in theaters
Filming soon:
Dev news:
#TheSavant ordered
#ForAllMankind S5
#LouGehrig series
3 in #TheInstigators
#KieuChinh in #SinkingSpring
#sinkingspring #kieuchinh #theinstigators #lougehrig #ForAllMankind #ferrari #thesavant #KillersoftheFlowerMoon #TheAfterparty #bigbeasts #liaison #tedlasso #theproblem #mykindofcountry #hellotomorrow #extrapolations #carpoolkaraoke #tetris #evatheowlet #thebigdoorprize #appletvplus
April on #AppleTVPlus:
#Schmigadoon S2, #TheWorldVSBorisBecker, #Jane, #SagoMiniFriends, #TheLastThingHeToldMe, #BigBeasts, #DropsOfGod, #Ghosted, #FrogAndToad
#TheProblem S2B, #HelloTomorrow, #MyKindOfCountry, #Extrapolations
#TheBigDoorPrize, #TedLasso S3
What are you most excited for?
#tedlasso #thebigdoorprize #extrapolations #mykindofcountry #hellotomorrow #theproblem #FrogandToad #ghosted #dropsofgod #bigbeasts #TheLastThingHeToldMe #sagominifriends #jane #theworldvsborisbecker #Schmigadoon #appletvplus
#SÉRIE 📺 | 🦒 C’est parfois la taille qui compte. 🐘
🐻 À la veille du Jour de la Terre, le 21 avril, #AppleTVPlus lancera #BigBeasts: Sur les traces des géants, sa nouvelle série documentaire animalière en 10 épisodes narrée par Tom Hiddleston. 🐋
#serie #appletvplus #bigbeasts
Per la #GiornataDellaTerra Apple pubblicherà il documentario #BigBeasts
Sarà disponibile il prossimo 21 aprile su #appletvplus
#giornatadellaterra #bigbeasts #AppleTVPlus
#BigBeasts can be added to your Up Next queue here: https://tv.apple.com/us/show/big-beasts/umc.cmc.7d9yulmth1rvkwpij477qsqsk