87 years ago:
Big Brown Eyes (US)
Sassy manicurist Eve Fallon is recruited as an even more brassy reporter and she helps police detective boyfriend Danny Barr break a jewel theft ring and solve the murder of a baby.
#BigBrownEyes #RaoulWalsh #CaryGrant #JoanBennett #WalterPidgeon #Paramount #Movies
#bigbrowneyes #raoulwalsh #carygrant #joanbennett #walterpidgeon #paramount #movies
We watched "Big Brown Eyes" the other night via Criterion Channel. Apparently not much appreciated on its release in 1936, both the Mrs and I thoroughly enjoyed. Snappy dialogue, good cast, cool cinematography. Also amazingly efficiently done with its running time of around an hour. Left you wanting more. Directed by Raoul Walsh with Cary Grant, Joan Bennett, and Walter Pidgeon.
#CriterionChannel #BigBrownEyes #RaoulWalsh #CaryGrant #JoanBennett #WalterPidgeon #ClassicCinema
#criterionchannel #bigbrowneyes #RaoulWalsh #carygrant #joanbennett #walterpidgeon #classiccinema
Glad to be in tonight. Windy and rainy out! #Pip #Shire #Horse #BigBrownEyes #GentleGiant
#GentleGiant #bigbrowneyes #horse #shire #pip