CEOs of insurance companies should be fined $10m personally every time a customer files a complaint.
Sitting here unable to get the money I am owed is super frustrating.
“Without hr…”
Without HR employees would be treated like humans and not like resources to be used until there is nothing left.
From: @paul
I was probably just not made for politics. Scale-up companies and #BigCo are great for those who excel at politics.
I’m used to being called “Borch The Builder” not because I’m great at pretending, but because I build stuff.
@marcpugner @DotardTed The problem I've had in the innernet age was that it's been so easy to make money, but not really easy to make money ethically.
I managed to eek out a good investment from Japan and repatriate $$$$$$$ toward the local 'conomy for a decade... those were the good days!
Lately it's been tougher. Local companies don't have ethics as before- they try to copy the #bigco's example, which has rendered me into a big co again. :-p
Gave intro to #git presentation( in Japanese !) to young #dudesNamedBenkei here. They’ll carry the torch, as support for our wannabe #AI dev team continues to fizzle.
Our group manager announced he’s moving back to Fujitsu. He was second best hope. The Main Group Manager, who had the vision to acquire our team, was reassigned a week after we got here!
That’s why these big #JapaneseCorporations are stagnant!
My friend who sold his team to this #BigCo. threw pearls before swine!
#git #dudesnamedbenkei #ai #japanesecorporations #bigco