#BigCoal does what it wants. Y'all know about mountaintop removal MTR mining?
"Move Any Mountain"
#Shamen (1991)
🎬 #MathewGlamorre directed the #film.
#90s #UK #house #breakbeat #techno #eddiefm #Film #mathewglamorre #shamen #bigcoal #HashtagGames #hillbillyasongbookorshow
#BigOil #BigCoal #GreenEnergy #NUclearEnergy #Nuclear #Pollution #FearMonger #FearMongering #Stupid #Sad #WEF #WorldEconomicForum #KeepThemStupid
#KeepThemStupid #worldeconomicforum #wef #sad #stupid #fearmongering #fearmonger #pollution #nuclear #nuclearenergy #greenenergy #bigcoal #bigoil #amusing #funny #random #meme
Der sofortige Ausstieg aus der Nutzung fossiler Brennstoffe ist schon lange notwendig. Das wirklich schwer fassbare ist, dass das Zukunftssichernde auch jetzt nicht passiert. Dass Gewohnheit und Phantombesitz die Oberhand behalten.
Das Making-Of meiner Illustration für die Veröffentlichung des Reports zum Wirken des tschechischen Kohleabbaukonzerns EPH von @re-set für @campax:
#illustration #fossileenergien #bigcoal
I suspect that there’s more of this happening all over the place. #BigRoad is as much of a problem for the #climateEmergency as #BigCoal
Oklahoma Turnpike Authority Springs $5-Billion Project Onto Residents—Who Are Suing Over It https://www.strongtowns.org/journal/2023/1/16/oklahoma-turnpike-authority-willfully-misled-public-to-force-5-billion-expansion-project?apcid=0060f5c430b5b5bba3ebfa00&utm_campaign=230116-monday-email&utm_content=230116-monday-email&utm_medium=email&utm_source=ortto
#bigcoal #ClimateEmergency #bigroad
#Luetzerath today. A frustrating yet encouraging experience. 35k people putting bodies and voices on the line so we #keepitintheground.❤
3k #NRWE police protecting #BigCoal. #LuetziBleibt is lost, eviction continues. Hope is for future policy to ensure this #coal won't be burnt. ✊
#luetzerath #keepitintheground #nrwe #bigcoal #LuetziBleibt #coal