#AfterTheBell Podcast with #CoreyGraves and #KevinPatrick - Catching up with #BigE: https://player.fm/series/wwe-after-the-bell-with-corey-graves-kevin-patrick-2659917/catching-up-with-big-e
#TwitTV Podcasts (Available via the streaming/mobile apps, YouTube or website) -
a. #ThisWeekInTech #934: https://youtu.be/D17FNT_kP08
b. #TechNews Weekly #293: https://youtu.be/gwGYNB2JdQY
#RidiculousRock #RecordReviews Podcast - Episode 276 - #GunsNRoses - GN'R Lies: https://player.fm/series/ridiculous-rock-record-reviews/episode-276-guns-n-roses-gnr-lies
(3 of 4)
#gunsnroses #recordreviews #ridiculousrock #TechNews #thisweekintech #twittv #bige #kevinpatrick #coreygraves #afterthebell
@jon True. I’m scrolling through the hashtag and you are the only constant. If #BigE was still #DolphinFanOfTheYear, he would have made certain you got a foam finger.
#WomensWrestling Talk Podcast - WWT Presents -
a. WWT News - 4.19.23 (#BigE Injury Update, #DaxHarwood Ending His Podcast Soon): https://www.youtube.com/live/0sPpJR3XaXE?feature=share
b. Exclusive Interview with #AveryJax: https://youtu.be/TjbyaxHVjsE
#WrestleZone Podcast - Exclusive Interviews - #KatieArquette: https://youtu.be/Wz5igUPJueE
#WWE on #FOX Interviews - #OutofCharacter - #ZelinaVega: https://youtu.be/iu5nKLDlKIs
(3 of 4)
#zelinavega #outofcharacter #fox #wwe #katiearquette #wrestlezone #averyjax #daxharwood #bige #womenswrestling
#BustedOpen Podcast - #WrestleMania Picks with #BigE: https://busted-open.simplecast.com/episodes/wrestlemania-picks-with-big-e
#TheSessions Podcast with #ReneePaquette - Interview with #BarbieBlank (#KellyKelly): https://player.fm/series/the-sessions-with-renee-paquette/the-sessions-barbie-blank-kelly-kelly
The #FTRwithDax Podcast #14 with #DaxHarwood and #MattKoon (#BretHart... The #SteveAustin Feud!): https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cucG9kY2FzdG9uZS5jb20vcG9kY2FzdD9jYXRlZ29yeUlEMj0yMjgx/episode/MWRhYTA4MmUtY2Q0YS0xMWVkLTlhMWUtOGI3ODgwZGY1MWIy?sa=X&ved=0CAUQkfYCahcKEwj47OWXlYT-AhUAAAAAHQAAAAAQAg
#GrillingJR Podcast with #JimRoss and #ConradThompson (#WrestleMania XIX): https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly9mZWVkcy5tZWdhcGhvbmUuZm0vZ3JpbGxpbmctanI/episode/MzgyZjgzN2EtN2IyNi0xMWVkLWI4YjAtM2ZjY2NiMzgyY2Uy?sa=X&ved=0CAQQkfYCahcKEwj4z7OdlYT-AhUAAAAAHQAAAAAQAg
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#conradthompson #jimross #grillingjr #steveaustin #brethart #mattkoon #daxharwood #ftrwithdax #kellykelly #barbieblank #reneepaquette #thesessions #bige #WrestleMania #bustedopen
#BustedOpen Podcast -
a. 'The Master's Class' - Autograph Etiquette: https://busted-open.simplecast.com/episodes/the-masters-class-autograph-etiquette
b. Revealing #CharlotteFlair & #Yokozuna Documentaries: https://busted-open.simplecast.com/episodes/revealing-charlotte-flair-yokozuna-documentaries
The #NewDayPod-cast, Feel The Power - Best Of... Friends of #NewDayPod - #BigE's Win: https://player.fm/series/the-new-day-feel-the-power-2657107/best-of-friends-of-newdaypod-big-es-win
(3 of 3)
#bige #newdaypod #yokozuna #CharlotteFlair #bustedopen
#UpUpDownDown - #BigE vs. #DakotaKai vs. #TylerBreeze -- #Nidhogg Showdown at #WWE HQ!: https://youtu.be/DTBAr9L8cr0
#UnitedWrestlingNetwork presents #Championship #Wrestling: https://youtu.be/IJ3Z5jiv0SU
#MemphisWrestling, Episode 104: https://youtu.be/Rbo1Z4l2dU8
#SwerveCity Podcast on #YouTube - Interviews -
a. #2point0: https://youtu.be/cycZ4n-Ul-E
b. #KennyOmega: https://youtu.be/CHi5feIdFRI
(2 of 3)
#kennyomega #2Point0 #YouTube #swervecity #memphiswrestling #wrestling #Championship #unitedwrestlingnetwork #wwe #nidhogg #tylerbreeze #dakotakai #bige #upupdowndown
Watching/listening in order. Watch/listen at your convenience.
(Follow links to access media. Most videos are available via your favorite podcasting service!)
[App. running time: 7 hrs. 45 min(s).]
Podcasts/videos below
(Starting with #UpUpDownDown)
#UpUpDownDown - #WWE2K23 First Look - #RoyalRumble — #BigE vs. #DakotaKai vs. #ShaynaBaszler vs. #AustinCreed!: https://youtu.be/fWSAolc1_dQ
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#austincreed #shaynabaszler #dakotakai #bige #royalrumble #wwe2k23 #upupdowndown
Watching/listening in order. Watch/listen at your convenience.
(Follow links to access media. Most videos are available via your favorite podcasting service!)
[App. running time: 18 hrs. 48 min(s).]
Podcasts/videos below
(Starting with #UpUpDownDown's #WWE2K23 First Look)
#UpUpDownDown - #WWE2K23 First Look - WARGAMES with #BigE, #DakotaKai, #ShaynaBaszler & #AustinCreed!: https://youtu.be/iJNyNQBh4vQ
(1 of 5)
#austincreed #shaynabaszler #dakotakai #bige #wwe2k23 #upupdowndown
Watching/listening in order. Watch/listen at your convenience.
(Follow links to access media. Most videos are available via your favorite podcasting service!)
[App. running time: 11 hrs. 41 min(s).]
Podcasts/videos below
(Starting with #UpUpDownDown)
#UpUpDownDown - #BigE and #TylerBreeze tour the #WWE Warehouse!: https://youtu.be/tDgmS5sy91k
TheCHUGS (#AEW's #AdamCole) Gaming - Best Moments of 2022: https://youtu.be/U_lVU6xbyOo
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#adamcole #aew #wwe #tylerbreeze #bige #upupdowndown
I've been sharing my #photography lately. These #photos were taken in #CT and #MA.
1. #MysticPizza, which was featured in the film of the same name, #Mystic CT June 2022
2. #FerrisWheel at the #BigE, #WestSpringfield MA September 2008
3. #HarrietBeecherStowe House and Museum, #Hartford CT September 2008
4. #MarkTwain House and Museum, Hartford CT September 2008
There's a link to my #PhotoBook as well as my Instagram in my bio.
#boosts are appreciated.
#photography #photos #ct #MA #MysticPizza #Mystic #ferriswheel #bige #westspringfield #harrietbeecherstowe #hartford #marktwain #photobook #boosts
I've been sharing my #photography lately. These #photos were taken in #CT and #MA.
1. #MysticPizza, which was featured in the film of the same name, #Mystic CT June 2022
2. #FerrisWheel at the #BigE, #WestSpringfield MA September 2008
3. #HarrietBeecherStowe House and Museum, #Hartford CT September 2008
4. #MarkTwain House and Museum, Hartford CT September 2008
There's a link to my #PhotoBook, Scenes From #NewEngland as well as my Instagram in my bio.
#boosts are appreciated.
#photography #photos #ct #MA #MysticPizza #Mystic #ferriswheel #bige #westspringfield #harrietbeecherstowe #hartford #marktwain #photobook #newengland #boosts
Day 2 of showing my #vizslas at the #BigE in #obedience. Both animals pooped this morning so we are off to a winning start. Hotel #oatmeal was funnier than I prefer but I ate it anyway. Maybe I’m going to think of a #goal for the day on the drive over.
#vizslas #bige #obedience #oatmeal #goal
We can wrap it up here folks, #GrimDark is now #HappyLight. (cav) #wh40k #warhammer40k #HorusHeresy #BigE
#grimdark #happylight #wh40k #warhammer40k #horusheresy #bige