Dis · @dis
146 followers · 836 posts · Server techhub.social

Wanna know what LEO is doing nearby? Me too.

uses heavily. I think I am going to build some more interesting listeners this winter. (I'm disenchanted with pure + as a framework. Maybe raw mqtt..)

I am also having more and more trouble saying "I don't need a ham license" with a straight face.


#snarkhome #bigear #ble #homeassistant #esphome #defcon31 #snoopuntothem

Last updated 1 year ago

Dis · @dis
146 followers · 836 posts · Server techhub.social

uses heavily. I think I need to build some more interesting listeners this winter...

Damn. I am having more and more trouble saying "I don't need a ham license" with a straight face.

#snarkhome #bigear #ble #defcon31 #snoopuntothem

Last updated 1 year ago

Dis · @dis
125 followers · 600 posts · Server techhub.social

look happy this morning

Taken with an cam with and . Lights (intermittently 🤬) controlled via peanut plug. Circulation fan and exhaust fan are both reliable using switchbot. Random sensor is sitting up high in the tent reporting temp/humidity to

Sunday the soil root stuff arrives and they go into little pots. The yellow 3 get ready for outside while the others stay here (gender permitting)

#weedlings #esp32 #esphome #homeassistant #ble #bigear #weed #growyourown #homegrow #seedlings

Last updated 1 year ago

Dis · @dis
121 followers · 574 posts · Server techhub.social

@mharleydev Bluetooth is terrible for this I found. I'm just building modules with an i2s amp and cheap speaker. (Google minis did work really well, but the wake chime was annoying.)

can't handle interruptions, so if you are streaming music it just stops playing entirely. Nicer to announce on a separate box.

I've got a box design for cheaper chips but I need to fix the prusa again to finish it up. (And v3ish will include a mic. V4 is a multi chip bus so it can be or too)

#esp32 #homeassistant #bigear #wled

Last updated 1 year ago

Dis · @dis
103 followers · 513 posts · Server techhub.social

My is pushing a ton of huge "danger!" warnings saying:

> To improve Bluetooth reliability and performance, we highly recommend updating esp-coffee-v4 with ESPHome 2023.6.0 or later.

You may wonder why my devices are out of date. I'm generally pretty good about updates and uses a LOT.

They are out of date because I had to downgrade them. Why? **Because 2023.6.0 and later completely and totally broke bluetooth.**

Who the ~fuck~ tested this? And as a bonus, why was it not mentioned in the changelog? It is "important" enough to be pushed as an *urgent change* but nobody fucking TESTED IT first?

At least keeps all the developers from having to see bug reports.

#homeassistant #bigear #bluetooth #stalebot #snarkhome #qa

Last updated 1 year ago

Dis · @dis
95 followers · 489 posts · Server techhub.social

The absolute best part of the project is that I can just buy random sensors and throw them anywhere. Security is such a joke (its just broadcast) but the threat model is "someone driving past might notice that my pool is warm." 🤷 🌡️

(I do mean REALLY anywhere though, within about 4 yards in most directions, using zero equipment outside the main house. Later I'll waterproof one and try it on the fence..)

Y'all shouldn't be buying toothbrushes or really ANY bathroom scale. Just saying. (And yes, I can probably see your growroom sensor too.)

#bigear #ble #oralb #bluetooth #homeassistant #esp32 #security #iot #iotsecurity

Last updated 1 year ago

Dis · @dis
95 followers · 489 posts · Server techhub.social


This is the one on my desk. No ads on mine 😸

Just a busted printer while I wait for them to actually ship my parts. (The extra week pre-ship delay has me irritable.)

On the right, the thinks the cat is nearby, the weather is HOT but wind/rain are low (good for flying ) and both the air and the pool are nasty levels of hot. (Air via , pool via a floating sensor.)

#prusa #bigear #drones #tomorrowio #ble #homeassistant #googlecast #snarkhome #cast #pawscout

Last updated 1 year ago

Dis · @dis
95 followers · 489 posts · Server techhub.social

Definitely. If it were me, I would just mad-scientist the extra fob to an or and stick electrodes in it's brain. (It probably runs off 3V, so you could power it from the ESP and save batteries.) That also prevents physical alignment shifts; it won't ever accidentally push panic instead, unless you soldered it wrong.

This approach is basically what I imposed on our coffee maker. It has a wifi plug as a current sensor purely to detect manual runs, and a little esp32+relay inside that bridges the button contacts for automatic runs. The whole thing hides under the pot (no warmer in this one) and is only visible because of the extra usb wire. (Since the upgrade, it also participates as a listening-post.)

As it has evolved over the years, I've been too lazy to look for DC inside. If I ever do V2 I will fix that, and get rid of the relay and wall-wart in favor of instrumenting the switch+led directly.

#esp32 #esp8266 #switchbot #bigear #ble

Last updated 1 year ago

Dis · @dis
92 followers · 471 posts · Server techhub.social

Today's total pile of horse dookie is courtesy frequent-flyer . The latest release completely broke (and by extension, my )

Weirdly, can still "see" the tags, with it's broken distance calculation (weighted average?) and useless "source" field.

I'd file a bug but I am not arguing with again. (And even their humans are not great.)

#esphome #ble #bigear #homeassistant #stalebot #homeautomation #snarkhome #esp32 #ibeacon

Last updated 1 year ago

Dis · @dis
80 followers · 390 posts · Server techhub.social

The status bar has ears! (Actually just a speaker for now, but room for a microphone if we want.) Featuring the newest part of my fancy lamp system.

#bigear #openscad #esphome #esp32 #wled #lamp #statusbar #snarkhome #homeassistant #5v

Last updated 1 year ago

Dis · @dis
66 followers · 318 posts · Server techhub.social

Today is being stressful so I think I'll make write descriptions for my (plus some random remixes of other stuff) and get it all posted on .

Alternately I could tear the hot end apart, again, and try to stop the leak, again, but I would rather just save up to replace the whole extruder.

On the automation front, has gotten more talkative with the new release. I converted all the existing to use and now Ryan has come to work for us.

I do miss some of our original voices though. `language: en-in` was our newscaster, `en-au` told us about weather and cat tracker reports, etc. (If you are still using google, have some fun with . Try sending `language: fr` with English text. We had that voice assigned to turning off lights and reminding us to close doors, and occasionally filling in when the newscaster was "out sick".)

#chatgpt #wled #lamp #Printables #prusa #homeassistant #google #tts #selfhosted #piper #bigear #accents #3dprinting #voiceassistant #homeautomation #AI

Last updated 2 years ago

Dis · @dis
62 followers · 266 posts · Server techhub.social

@dis tracker located! He lost it in a neighbor's yard where a "racoon or something is living." Looks like he got surprised by the unknown resident and dumped it in a bush during his escape.

I know where my next antenna is going now! 😁🔭

#ble #bigear

Last updated 2 years ago

Dis · @dis
62 followers · 265 posts · Server techhub.social

Today's update: The cat lost his tracker. Off-site somewhere of course. We can get a whiff of signal from our phones, but not quite enough to find it. (And he just says "Out!!" when we ask where it is. When he goes out, he just sits down on the patio. He's often helpful like that.)

We know what direction he was walking when he went offscreen, and that is the only part of the property we get a signal, but we still can't find it. I wish I could command it to respond more than every 30 seconds, that might help.

Clearly the proper answer is many more listening antennas.

#bigear #esphome #ble #pawscout #cats #esp32

Last updated 2 years ago

Classic Movies Today · @classicmovies
40 followers · 757 posts · Server botsin.space

34 years ago:
Big Ear (SU)
Original title: Большой Ух
An alien falls down from the sky in front of a wolf cub. His big ear allows him to listen to everything that happens in the universe. Yet somehow he fails to hear forest creatures calling for help.

#bigear #scifi #animation #classicfilm #sovietcinema #classicmovies #movies #film

Last updated 2 years ago

Classic Movies Today · @classicmovies
39 followers · 752 posts · Server botsin.space

34 years ago:
Big Ear (SU)
Original title: Большой Ух
An alien falls down from the sky in front of a wolf cub. His big ear allows him to listen to everything that happens in the universe. Yet somehow he fails to hear forest creatures calling for help.

#bigear #scifi #animation #classicfilm #sovietcinema #classicmovies #movies #film

Last updated 2 years ago

Chris 🩲 · @gayinundies
39 followers · 126 posts · Server underwear.social


Wow! Signal
An extra-terrestrial signal detected on 15 August 1977 by the radio telescope. Jerry Ehman reviewed the paper readouts several days later & circled the 72 second spike and commented !

Alphanumeric characters represent a 10 second time block & the intensity. 0-1 being the standard baseline, with the scale 1-9 then A-Z. Therefore U being 30x the baseline.

I dedicated over a decade of my spare computing power to the

#tattoo #bigear #6equj5 #wow #setiproject #geek #nerd

Last updated 2 years ago