#ElPais π 06 Mar 2023 "The #inflatableπstructures https://youtu.be/pGcdrxB2Qow are not as fragile as they might seem. They are constructed of a fabric similar to the Kevlar material used in #bulletproof vests, and their multiple layers offer a good degree of #radiation protection. There are plans to use them to build small #hotels for #SpaceTourism." https://english.elpais.com/science-tech/2023-03-06/nasas-plans-for-the-end-of-the-iss-private-space-stations-and-hotels-with-an-earth-view.html
#elpais #inflatable #bulletproof #radiation #hotels #spacetourism #spacehotel #bigelow #SierraSpace #spacestation
#ISS The #Bigelow Expandable Activity Module (#BEAM) was installed π 2016 and will remain attached to the station until π 2028. #NASA noted in π 2017, after spending one year in #space, the BEAM instrumentation had recorded "a few probable #micrometeoroid βοΈ #debris #impacts" but that the module's #protective layers π‘οΈ had resisted #penetration. It has #exceeded expectations and is used as additional #cargo π¦ storage https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bigelow_Expandable_Activity_Module
Picture : Alexander Gerst, Serena AuΓ±Γ³n-Chancellor and Sergey Prokopyev inside BEAM π 2018 https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:ISS-56_Alexander_Gerst,_Serena_Au%C3%B1%C3%B3n-Chancellor_and_Sergey_Prokopyev_inside_the_BEAM.jpg
#iss #bigelow #beam #NASA #space #micrometeoroid #debris #impacts #protective #penetration #exceeded #cargo
π 2023/02/16 Four 4οΈβ£ private #SpaceStations planned
β’ #AxiomSpace
β’ #NorthropGrumman
β’ #VoyagerSpace / #Nanoracks
β’ #SierraSpace / #BlueOrigin
"It's going to be a small percentage that #NASA is going to be funding these #SpaceStations" so each project needs "to go out and raise #capital π° to do this." https://www.cnbc.com/2023/02/16/investing-in-space-the-space-station-kingmaker.html
Several other #SpaceNews in this article : #FAA #SpaceX #IntuitiveMachines #CASC #Roscosmos #AerojetRocketdyne #Maxar #VirginOrbit #VirginGalactic #SpaceRyde #Inmarsat #Astranis #SidusSpace #RocketLab #RelativitySpace #AllSpace #Iridium #AerojetRockdyne #JAXA #SpaceCom
Pictures : "Langley engineers check out the interior of the #inflatable 24-foot #SpaceStation in π 1962.", #Bigelow #SpaceStation, #CrewDragon approaches #ISS Kibo laboratory https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Langley_engineers_inside_inflatable_a_24-foot_spacestation_mock-up.jpg https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Bigelow_Aerospace_facilities.jpg https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Crew-2_dragon_approach.jpg
#spacestations #axiomspace #northropgrumman #voyagerspace #nanoracks #SierraSpace #blueorigin #NASA #capital #spacenews #faa #SpaceX #intuitivemachines #casc #roscosmos #aerojetrocketdyne #Maxar #virginorbit #virgingalactic #spaceryde #inmarsat #astranis #sidusspace #rocketlab #relativityspace #allspace #iridium #aerojetrockdyne #JAXA #spacecom #inflatable #spacestation #bigelow #CrewDragon #iss