Apparently I'm back on my #bigfinish kick. Listening to the excellent ship of Theseus as I fall asleep. #DoctorWho
BY THE HORNS: Dark Earth 12 comps have arrived and that means our BIG finale should be hitting #comicbookshops in just a few weeks! Can’t wait for this one to be out in the world. 28 pages of face-melting action and surprises!
#scoutcomics #ncbd #newcomicbookwednesday #scifi #fantasy #bigfinish
#bigfinish #fantasy #scifi #newcomicbookwednesday #ncbd #scoutcomics #comicbookshops
The New Adventures of Bernice Summerfield was a pretty neat series. Bit light on character development of Benny, but what we do get is a really nice rendition of the Doctor from an alternate universe played by the late great David Warner, weathered by experiences our Doctor never had. Who knows what the future holds for Bernice? #doctorwho #bernicesummerfield #bigfinish
#bigfinish #doctorwho #bernicesummerfield
oh no... 8th Doctor (fave) is joining the Paternoster Gang (meh) in a boxset... how to deal??
#bigfinish #doctorwho #audiodrama
Extremely niche and - in an extremely tenuous way - Lawrence Miles’ fault
I note that the release of Series 12 of The Diary of River Song is the final series in that run ... that makes me a little sad as it's been brilliant, but that's nearly 50 stories about River, so that's an awesome body of work to enjoy. I'm still nibbling away at it, myself. Alex Kingston has a blast, the writers clearly have a blast setting her up to have a blast, and a blast is had by all. Some of my favorite of the #BigFinish #DoctorWho spinoffs.
None of these are in my top five but McCoy is my favorite from this list. His audios on #BigFinish are excellent.
Yes #BigFinish do lots of wonderful #DoctorWho but they also do wonderful things like this, reinventing #UFO and bringing up to date. This is fantastic.
celebrating what would be Melvin Murray's 91st birthday and his final recording with Big Finish being released, #BigFinish are doing a sale on #AudioDramas featuring him - lots of #Torchwood but a couple of others too...
#bigfinish #audiodramas #torchwood
Trailer for the latest Ninth Doctor adventures from Big Finish: a ghost story, a mystery, and Alpha Centauri runs for office!
Why does this box set make me want to shout [in an awful Scottish accent] …
Some years ago I compiled a list of my favourite stories for each TV #DoctorWho numbers 1 to 12. For Jodie/13 I’d add The Power of the Doctor now. Though Rosa would have been my fave before then. Here are my favourites for Doctors 1 to 12. #Scifi #BritishTV #TV #BigFinish #BBC
#bbc #bigfinish #tv #britishtv #scifi #doctorwho
I am also responsible for a meme of sorts at the #BigFinish production offices.
Forgot to say I’m a long-term #DoctorWho fan, since watching the first episode of The Ribos Operation in 1978 at a very young age. Favourite Doctor #DavidTennant then #TomBaker and #PaulMcGann (thanks #BigFinish for that last). Favourite companion #SarahJaneSmith. Favourite Classic Who story City of Death, and favourite New Who The Empty Child. I’m not a huge #scifi fan, not keen on hard scifi. But as a #storytelling engine Who works brilliantly. Historian me loves the #timeTravel. #introduction
#introduction #timetravel #storytelling #scifi #sarahjanesmith #bigfinish #paulmcgann #tombaker #davidtennant #doctorwho
@acf I’m really not looking forward to the day he leaves us all.
Have you ever listened to his interview with #BigFinish? It’s wonderful.
ooooh... some very god stories from #BigFinish for #ScribeAwards #AudioDrama
Peake Season is the reason I bought the Fourth Doctor boxset and did not disappoint
I buy anything Eighth Doctor and Albie's Angels and Previously Next Time (and their boxsets) were fantastic
War Doctor is, obviously, also brilliant
#bigfinish #scribeawards #audiodrama
Just finished The Green Gift from the Box set Pioneers, and I gotta say, Eccleston is as wonderful as always, but this range is getting repetitive.
Instead of mixing things with a new companion, they promptly dicht him the very next adventure, no development, no new avenue, just a repeat of The Green Death, with Maggots and evil computers, BUT IN SPACE.
And I know Roy Gill can better, in this very range on Old Friends!
I've been busy adding #DoctorWho stories to my website, in an attempt to have every story on the site - I've now added all the “Monthly Range" of #BigFinish audios, and am currently working on the Short Trip range!
It's a long process but it's getting there! Have you checked it out yet?
Time Loops!
One of my favourite tropes of this genre, a time loop story can be fantastic, and #DoctorWho has many!
Also #BigFinish currently have a sale on many time loop stories!
Have I missed any? (I’m sure I have), I’m still building up the tropes section of my website.
Our review of Doctor Who: Once and Future: Past Lives from @bigfinish by @jordanshortman1 is up Who fans, check it out: