Zusammenhänge zwischen „#BigTobacco“ und „#BigFood“ zeigt eine neue #Studie auf. Danach haben #Tabakkonzerne sich ab den 80ern vermehrt in #Lebensmittelkonzerne eingekauft und ihr Konzept des Abhängigmachens dort erfolgreich weitergeführt. Die Folgekosten trägt wie immer die Allgemeinheit.
#hyperpalatable #JunkFood #Addiction
Link zur Originalveröffentlichung (englisch):
#bigtobacco #bigfood #studie #tabakkonzerne #lebensmittelkonzerne #hyperpalatable #junkfood #addiction
Top 6 marketing cons that #BigFood and #BigPharma use to sell you toxic products
Top 6 marketing cons that #BigFood and #BigPharma use to sell you toxic products
"Barbados fights Big Sugar for the survival of its people -The legacy of colonialism, modern-day conveniences and a diet high in fat and sugar have bequeathed the island a diabetes and high-blood pressure pandemic. But can health plans win out over corporate interests?
"Barbados, like other small island developing states, is fighting for its people’s survival. On this beautiful island, people wander daily into danger, swinging two-litre flasks of sugary drinks such as Coca-Cola as they step out of their cars, buying local fast food from the back of a van for lunch and queueing at Kentucky Fried Chicken or the local chain Chefette in the evening. The blessings of the modern convenience world have been visited upon small islands, with the result that more than half their people are dying prematurely from heart and lung conditions, cancer, diabetes and other non-communicable diseases.
Blame is being laid at the door of the food industry. The world’s 57 small island developing states, or SIDS, as the UN collectively calls them, have particular vulnerabilities. They cannot grow enough fresh food for their populations and, as the climate crisis worsens, water is scarcer and storms wipe out entire fields of crops every year. So they are reliant on importing their food: for some islands as much as 90% of it. And much of what they import is ultra-processed food, high in calories with very little nutritional value."
#Barbados #Islands #IslandStates #BigFood #BigSugar #Capitalism #ProcessedFoods #Colonialism #Obesity #Diabetes #HeartDisease #HighBloodPressure #WHO #UN #UltraProcessedFood
#barbados #islands #islandstates #bigfood #BigSugar #capitalism #processedFoods #colonialism #obesity #diabetes #heartdisease #highbloodpressure #who #un #ultraprocessedfood
The #BigFood-#BigPharma duo keeps piling up profits at the expense of US #health & #welfare.
- the former optimized their #shareofstomach, then supersized people when markets reached saturation, hooking them on #junkfood
- the latter churns out expensive 'cures' that keep people alive without giving up their addictions, and hook them on their own poison (#opioids)
- both lobby against #prevention, the cheapest & most efficient cure
=> Eat healthy food, exercise, use medicine when really needed
#bigfood #bigpharma #health #welfare #shareofstomach #junkfood #opioids #prevention
The #BigFood-#BigPharma duo keeps piling up profits at the expense of US #health & #welfare.
- the former optimized their #shareofstomach, then supersized people when markets reached saturation, hooking them on #junkfood
- the latter churns out expensive 'cures' that keep people alive without giving up their addictions, and hook them on their own poison (#opioids)
- both lobby against #prevention, the cheapest & most efficient cure
=> Eat healthy food, exercise, use medicine when really needed
#bigfood #bigpharma #health #welfare #shareofstomach #junkfood #opioids #prevention
Its about time that #BigFood took some responsibility and look into its practices ...
#bigfood #deforestation #climatelitigation
True or not true? -J
Are You Eating Pork Injected With Merck’s mRNA Livestock Vaccine?
Since 2018, industrial pork producers have been using customizable mRNA-based "vaccines" on their herds. According to drugmaker Merck, the vaccines target “existing and evolving swine pathogens, including diseases not covered by conventional swine vaccines.”
By Dr. Joseph Mercola
#BigFood, #BigPharma colluding to keep Americans #diabetic and #obese to maximize profits
#obese #diabetic #BigPharma #bigfood
#BigFood, #BigPharma colluding to keep Americans #diabetic and #obese to maximize profits
#obese #diabetic #BigPharma #bigfood
#BigFood, #BigPharma colluding to keep Americans #diabetic and #obese to maximize profits
#obese #diabetic #BigPharma #bigfood
Loblaw’s PR response to consumer criticism shows it prioritizes profit over people
#Canada #Business #Economy #Inflation #FoodPrices #PublicRelations #CostOfLiving #PR #BigFood #Loblaws #Loblaw #FoodPriceInflation #FoodPriceRises
#canada #business #economy #inflation #Foodprices #publicrelations #CostOfLiving #pr #bigfood #loblaws #loblaw #foodpriceinflation #foodpricerises
Defining “ultra-processed food” somewhat challenging, but simple take-away is that: less processed food you eat is, healthier it’s likely to be:
Amongst other references I’ve found useful:
Nina Teicholz’s original investigation — huge volume but well worth it for background to why much nutritional “science” isn’t science
First book I read that actually makes sense of “calories”
#diet #nutrition #calories #bigfood
"What kind of dystopian world has #nutrition “#science” entered into whereby a university, a peer-reviewed journal, and one of the field’s most influential leaders legitimize advice telling the public to eat more Lucky Charms and fewer #eggs?" #BigFood #Corporatocracy #UltraprocessedJunk https://unsettledscience.substack.com/p/tufts-food-compassits-worse-than?
#nutrition #Science #eggs #bigfood #corporatocracy #ultraprocessedjunk
MEP @thomaswaitz@twitter.com asks about windfall profits by #BigFood companies and speculation.
Commissioner @jwojc@twitter.com replies @EU_Commission@twitter.com will consider "very seriously" any new evidence pointing at speculation (but there's little such evidence so far).
#FoodInflation #FoodSecurity
#bigfood #FoodInflation #FoodSecurity
#Foodindustry and #government #watchdogs aren't working for Americans' interests #BigFood
#bigfood #watchdogs #government #foodindustry
#Foodindustry and #government #watchdogs aren't working for Americans' interests #BigFood
#bigfood #watchdogs #government #foodindustry
Dit 👇 rapport zegt wat ik ook vind: er moet geen #eiwittransitie plaatsvinden maar een #duurzaamheids transitie.
'Als het maar plantaardig is, dan is het goed' wil niet zeggen dat het altijd duurzaam is. We moeten niet in de val lopen van de marketing van #BigFood dat meer ultrabewerkte vegaproducten per definitie de oplossing is voor een duurzamere manier van voedselproductie. Het voedselsysteem moet anders en niet alleen het product.
#Duurzaamheid #Wholefoods #Eiwit
#Eiwittransitie #duurzaamheids #bigfood #duurzaamheid #wholefoods #eiwit