#yoga #feelthevibrations #manifestmiracles #om #aum #inspiresomeonetoday #encouragesomeonetoday
#yogaoffthemat #yogaintherealworld #biggerthanbaseball
#biggerthanbaseball #yogaintherealworld #yogaoffthemat #encouragesomeonetoday #inspiresomeonetoday #aum #om #manifestmiracles #feelthevibrations #yoga
We are so blessed to have coaches who have continued to make practices and games happen for the kids. Even when people were being arrested for daring to let their healthy kids play at a park, our coaches and parents knew, this was so much bigger than just baseball.
There have been a few scares, police rolling into the park during practices and games, only to have them smile, watch for a while, wave, and drive away. One day, the kids will understand.
#freedom #biggerthanbaseball