Vous connaissez peut-être ce roman (ou la série qui en est issue) sous un autre nom: "Big Little Lies".
Tantôt touchant, tantôt drôle, tantôt émouvant, #BigLittleLies est souvent ingénieux (comme l'enquête en flash-forward). Les personnages - souvent des mères de famille - sont remarquables: on a envie de protéger les uns, on a envie d'en tabasser d'autres.
Un petit bijou.
#CavaliersDeLÉditocalypse #LianeMoriarty #RecommandationLecture
#recommandationlecture #lianemoriarty #cavaliersdeleditocalypse #biglittlelies
#LoveAndDeath is David E. Kelley's best show since #BigLittleLies https://ti.me/3Axot7F #press
#loveanddeath #biglittlelies #press
#LoveAndDeath is David E. Kelley's best show since #BigLittleLies https://ti.me/3oSEimU #press
#loveanddeath #biglittlelies #press
#BigLittleLies fue tan buena serie, el drama, lo touching, el soundtrack, las actuaciones.
De mis favoritas por siempre.
Nou The Sopranos op het lijstje in HBO Max gezet.
Gisteren mat Big Little Lies begonnen dus die eerst bingen, twee seizoenen van 7 afleveringen dus te doen 😊
Ben bij aflevering 3 maar wel een aanrader. #BigLittleLies
Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: Shailene Woodley Describes Split With Aaron Rodgers As ‘Darkest, Hardest Time in My Life’ https://jezebel.com/shailene-woodley-describes-split-with-aaron-rodgers-as-1850024350 #Jezebel #thedivergentseries #divergenttrilogy #shailenewoodley #creativeworks #biglittlelies #aaronrodgers #divergent #imaxfilms #woodley #films
#jezebel #thedivergentseries #divergenttrilogy #shailenewoodley #creativeworks #biglittlelies #aaronrodgers #divergent #imaxfilms #woodley #films
Services partout, intérêt des utilisateurs nulle part
RT @HouseOfTV1@twitter.com
Fin du deal entre OCS et HBO : la liste complète des shows HBO retirés d’OCS depuis minuit.
#GameOfThrones #TrueDetective #TrueBlood #SexAndTheCity #Chernobyl #BigLittleLies #OCS #HBO
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/HouseOfTV1/status/1609493048576331776
#gameofthrones #truedetective #trueblood #sexandthecity #chernobyl #biglittlelies #OCs #hbo
@Mahan I really love the original one, but this was just Bad. Only Thing I liked about the Remake was how they changed the death of the boy into a more American Way. Thought the Crovetty twins were a great casting after #BigLittleLies but that couldn't save anything
Just finished the first season of #BigLittleLies. This was exciting in the last minutes 😱 Great cast and nice twist that you not only have to guess the murderer but also who the victim is.
#series #serie #tv
(You can watch it in Germany on Wow/Sky)
#biglittlelies #series #Serie #TV
Wem die Dramaserie “Big Little Lies” gut gefallen hat, dem kann ich tatsächlich die ZDF-Miniserie “Neuland” empfehlen:
Die Stars aus The Crown, Big Little Lies und Co: Mit ihren Kindern auf dem Roten Teppich #BigLittleLies #Crown
I'm about a season behind on Gentlemen Jack. I just started Flight Attendant.
I'm about one or two seasons behind on Killing Eve,
I started Our Flag Means Death, The Goldbergs, Drunk History
#deutschland83 (haven't seen 89 yet)
I started First Lady and Gilded Age
Sci Fi/Fantasy/Comics
I'm one to two seasons behind on Handmaid's Tale and Legends of Tomorrow (and True Blood).
#TheWhiteLotus #republicofdoyle #MareOfEasttown #thestaircase #TheUndoing #thewire #lastweektonight #familytree #friends #biglittlelies #chernobyl #deutschland83 #frontier #gunpowder #paradesend #rome #succession #doctorwho #gameofthrones #hisdarkmaterials #HouseoftheDragon #lovecraftcountry #orphanblack #peacemaker #RaisedByWolves #startrek #timetravelerswife #twinpeaks #westworld
#BigLittleLies is so triggering but it is worth enduring just to see that magical, fictional universe where women support each other, instead of weaponsing traumas caused by men against each other.
#BigLittleLies is so triggering but it is worth enduring just to see that magical, fictional universe where women support each other, instead of weaponsing traumas caused by men against each other.
Surface - 1x01/02/03 Ictus & Muscle Memory & New Person, Same Old Mistakes | Seriangolo #BigLittleLies #20agosto https://parliamodi.news/article/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuc2VyaWFuZ29sby5pdC8yMDIyLzA3L3N1cmZhY2UtMXgwMS0wMi0wMy1pY3R1cy1tdXNjbGUtbWVtb3J5LW5ldy1wZXJzb24tc2FtZS1vbGQtbWlzdGFrZXMv
Surface - 1x01/02/03 Ictus & Muscle Memory & New Person, Same Old Mistakes | Seriangolo #BigLittleLies #12agosto https://parliamodi.news/article/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuc2VyaWFuZ29sby5pdC8yMDIyLzA3L3N1cmZhY2UtMXgwMS0wMi0wMy1pY3R1cy1tdXNjbGUtbWVtb3J5LW5ldy1wZXJzb24tc2FtZS1vbGQtbWlzdGFrZXMv
Surface - 1x01/02/03 Ictus & Muscle Memory & New Person, Same Old Mistakes | Seriangolo #BigLittleLies #5agosto https://parliamodi.news/article/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuc2VyaWFuZ29sby5pdC8yMDIyLzA3L3N1cmZhY2UtMXgwMS0wMi0wMy1pY3R1cy1tdXNjbGUtbWVtb3J5LW5ldy1wZXJzb24tc2FtZS1vbGQtbWlzdGFrZXMv
Surface - 1x01/02/03 Ictus & Muscle Memory & New Person, Same Old Mistakes | Seriangolo #BigLittleLies #1agosto https://parliamodi.news/article/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuc2VyaWFuZ29sby5pdC8yMDIyLzA3L3N1cmZhY2UtMXgwMS0wMi0wMy1pY3R1cy1tdXNjbGUtbWVtb3J5LW5ldy1wZXJzb24tc2FtZS1vbGQtbWlzdGFrZXMv
Bonne série (en tout cas la saison 1) d’ailleurs !
RT @J_M_Renault@twitter.com
Si vous n’avez jamais vu #BigLittleLies, c’est le moment ! Ne la ratez pas dès ce soir sur @TF1@twitter.com. Pour les actrices (Laura Dern, Nicole Kidman !!), la mise en scène, la délicatesse, la cruauté et puis le générique aussi qui ne va plus vous sortir de la tête 🙏🏻
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/J_M_Renault/status/1298276463788138503