🇳🇱 Wikipedia en néerlandais :
1. Chinese Muur #ChineseMuur
2. Dany Verstraeten #DanyVerstraeten
3. Big Mac-index #BigMacIndex
#chinesemuur #danyverstraeten #bigmacindex
🇳🇱 Wikipedia en néerlandais :
1. Big Mac-index #BigMacIndex
2. Hanke Bruins Slot #HankeBruinsSlot
3. Max Verstappen #MaxVerstappen
#bigmacindex #hankebruinsslot #MaxVerstappen
🇳🇱 Wikipedia en néerlandais :
1. 420 (cannabiscultuur) #420(Cannabiscultuur)
2. Suikerfeest #Suikerfeest
3. Big Mac-index #BigMacIndex
🇳🇱 Wikipedia en néerlandais :
1. Debby Petter #DebbyPetter
2. Intercity Nieuwe Generatie #IntercityNieuweGeneratie
3. Big Mac-index #BigMacIndex
#debbypetter #intercitynieuwegeneratie #bigmacindex
And if you've never seen the Big Mac Index or Burgernomics: https://www.economist.com/big-mac-index #tools #statistics #economics #TheEconomist #BigMacIndex #Burgernomics
#burgernomics #bigmacindex #theeconomist #economics #statistics #tools
🇳🇱 Wikipedia en néerlandais :
1. Mia Nicolai #MiaNicolai
2. Big Mac-index #BigMacIndex
3. Portland (band) #Portland(Band)
#mianicolai #bigmacindex #portland
🇳🇱 Wikipedia en néerlandais :
1. Wim de Bie #WimDeBie
2. Aïcha Marghadi #AïchaMarghadi
3. Big Mac-index #BigMacIndex
#wimdebie #aichamarghadi #bigmacindex
🇳🇱 Wikipedia en néerlandais :
1. Dodi Lukebakio #DodiLukebakio
2. Big Mac-index #BigMacIndex
3. E3 Saxo Classic #E3SaxoClassic
#dodilukebakio #bigmacindex #e3saxoclassic
🇳🇱 Wikipedia en néerlandais :
1. Lijst van politieke partijen in Nederland #LijstVanPolitiekePartijenInNederland
2. Big Mac-index #BigMacIndex
3. Caroline van der Plas #CarolineVanDerPlas
#lijstvanpolitiekepartijeninnederland #bigmacindex #carolinevanderplas
🇳🇱 Wikipedia en néerlandais :
1. EFL Cup #EflCup
2. Tiesj Benoot #TiesjBenoot
3. Big Mac-index #BigMacIndex
#eflcup #tiesjbenoot #bigmacindex
🇳🇱 Wikipedia en néerlandais :
1. Avatar (film) #Avatar(Film)
2. Bloedbad van Oradour-sur-Glane #BloedbadVanOradourSurGlane
3. Big Mac-index #BigMacIndex
#avatar #bloedbadvanoradoursurglane #bigmacindex
The USA have the #BigMacIndex 🍔, Europe has #Pizze 🍕
December 2022, highest increase in #inflation for pizza and quiche in the EU in:
🇭🇺Hungary (+46% compared with December 2021)
🇱🇹Lithuania (+39%)
🇧🇬Bulgaria (+37%)
🇱🇺Luxembourg (+7%)
🇮🇹Italy (+10%)
🇫🇷France (+13%)
#bigmacindex #pizze #inflation
Always interesting to see The Economist’s annual #BigMacIndex. Explains why it’s been so expensive to travel as a SAn 🇿🇦 https://www.economist.com/big-mac-index
The Economist is opening up on the data it uses, starting with the data behind its Big Mac Index.
#TheEconomist #Economics #OpenData #BigMacIndex
Post about it at [ https://medium.economist.com/peeling-back-the-curtain-487bd3be0c47 ]. The data for the index is at [ https://github.com/TheEconomist/big-mac-data ].
#theeconomist #economics #opendata #bigmacindex