dankrolla · @dankrolla
14 followers · 129 posts · Server marimoko.biz

My Ender 3 S1 blobbed up so bad last night that it killed the hotend. Filled up everything with liquid hot plastic then hardened.

Inside threads, locking screws tight and caused the wires to get caught up and torn out.

New upgraded extruder is on the way. What a mess


#3dprinting #creality #ender #marimoko #blob #bigmess #david

Last updated 2 years ago

Toddo · @toddo
315 followers · 566 posts · Server sfba.social

@Lacci I think a political scientist would agree with you, that the two are not mutually exclusive. I think my republican parents, for example, are more in the ‘polarized’ zone; theyre very policy and ideology oriented (much to my horror). But as a whole, I think the far-right movement in the U.S. is all about calcification. The poli-sci, as I understand it, shows that it also tends to create a reaction in the other party, which calcifies itself defensively in response.


Last updated 2 years ago

Inge · @Inge
158 followers · 257 posts · Server aus.social

First time playing the untangle the Christmas lights game. WTF? Also my leg got all caught up and I had a bit of a panic but I got loose.


#iknowit #cristmaslights #bigmess #knots

Last updated 2 years ago