#Oil lobby's financial pressure on Obama over #KeystoneXL pipeline revealed
Study shows money flowing to oil lobby ahead of decision on tar sands pipeline in the November elections
by Suzanne Goldberg, January, 2012
"Maplight found only two of the 118 members of the House of Representatives who list oil and gas industry among their top 10 campaign contributors opposed fast-tracking the pipeline. The two hold-outs were Ed Markey, the Massachusetts Democrat who headed the global warming committee that has since been disbanded by the Republican leadership in the house, and Charlie Bass, a New Hampshire Republican.
"Here's a look at some of the #OilAndGasIndustry's favourite members of Congress as compiled by Maplight – all members of the $100,000 club, and all supporters of a bill to push Obama to pass the pipeline – along with some of their recent statements on the Keystone tar sands project.
"From Steven Pearce, the New Mexico Republican, who heads the list, receiving $370,000 in direct contributions from the oil and gas industry in the two years from July 2009-July 2011. 'It is time to put the political games aside,' the congressman said on his website last month. 'We must all work together to ensure the culmination of projects, such as the Keystone pipeline.'
"Mike Pompeo, the Republican who represents the Wichita Kansas hometown of the oil billionaire Koch brothers, comes in number two on the list with $333,156 in industry contributions. Pompeo is also the main recipient of Koch political funds, according to another organisation tracking money and influence, Opensecrets.org.
"Bill Flores, a former oil company executive and a Republican from central Texas who received $266,184 in industry funds according to Maplight during the debate on the Keystone bill last July, has said: 'If we do not tap this valuable resource, the Chinese or other countries will.'
"Dan Boren, an Oklahoma Democrat who received $201,800, said the pipeline would create 'tens of thousands of new jobs' – claims that have been debunked by economists."
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#oil #keystonexl #OilAndGasIndustry #bigoil #bigoilandgas #BigOilKnew #oligarchy
Not-so-fun fact about being #Neurodivergent... Having sensory issues with lighting, and having low-wattage #incandescent light bulbs be banned, while #BigOilAndGas make obscene profits and do nothing to plug up #MethaneLeaks! (In fact, they want to dig up more holes -- in the #DeepOcean!).
#neurodivergent #incandescent #bigoilandgas #MethaneLeaks #deepocean
#BigOilAndGas can afford to fix the problem they created!
Largest oil and gas producers made close to $100bn in first quarter of 2022
Shell made $9.1bn in profit, almost three times what it made in the same period last year, while Exxon raked in $8.8bn
Oliver Milman, Fri 13 May 2022
"#Shell made $9.1bn in profit from January to March, almost three times what it made in the same period last year, while #Exxon raked in $8.8bn, also a near threefold increase on 2021.
"#Chevron upped its profits to $6.5bn and #BP reveled in its highest first-quarter profits in a decade, making $6.2bn. #CoterraEnergy, a Texas-based firm, had the largest relative windfall of the 28 companies, with a 449% increase in profits on last year, to $818m."
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#ExxonKnew #BigOilKnew #ClimateCrisis #ClimateChange #ClimateCatastrophe
#bigoilandgas #shell #exxon #chevron #bp #coterraenergy #exxonknew #BigOilKnew #ClimateCrisis #ClimateChange #climatecatastrophe
@Deixis9 What we need is #BigOilAndGas to plug up #MethaneLeaks! "#Methane is a greenhouse gas that’s 80 times more effective at trapping heat in the atmosphere than carbon dioxide over a 20-year period. It is estimated to account for 30% of the rise in global temperatures."
#bigoilandgas #MethaneLeaks #methane
Stopping #ClimateChange requires sacrifice all right! Let's start with plugging up #MethaneLeaks and using #BigOilAndGas profits to fix things! I'm sick of #Greenwashing BS when we know who is really to blame! Trust me -- my friggin' 40 watt incandescent bulb isn't causing the climate to change!
#ClimateChange #MethaneLeaks #bigoilandgas #greenwashing
TPTB love to tell us to eat vegan or drive less or stop using incandescent light bulbs, when the BIG PROBLEM is being caused by #BigOil and #BigGas!
#Methane is a more potent polluter than #CO2 - here’s how energy firms can help contain it
Oct 26, 2021
"Methane is a #GreenhouseGas that’s 80 times more effective at trapping heat in the atmosphere than carbon dioxide over a 20-year period. It is estimated to account for 30% of the rise in global temperatures."
#BigOilAndGas #ExxonKnew #BigOilKnew #PlugItUp #ClimateCrisis #ClimateCatastrophe #ClimateChange
#bigoil #biggas #methane #co2 #greenhousegas #bigoilandgas #exxonknew #BigOilKnew #plugitup #ClimateCrisis #climatecatastrophe #ClimateChange
Hmmmm.... So #MethaneLeaks are a substantial source of #ClimateChange. Well then, #BigOilAndGas needs to take care of that ASAP! And so do any countries without those industries and beholden to #Fascist f*ckers and their #Oligarch buddies!
#ClimateCrisis #ClimateCatastrophe #ExxonKnew #WeKNowWhoToBlame #GeneralStrike #EatTheRich #UtahPhillips
#MethaneLeaks #ClimateChange #bigoilandgas #Fascist #oligarch #ClimateCrisis #climatecatastrophe #exxonknew #weknowwhotoblame #generalstrike #EatTheRich #UtahPhillips