Bishop Greer · @bishop
249 followers · 667 posts · Server

@yingtai @mairin Fosstodon is also .


Last updated 1 year ago

SLCWšŸ’„ · @slcw
393 followers · 4240 posts · Server
SLCWšŸ’„ · @slcw
358 followers · 3696 posts · Server

These parents believe they have the right to dictate the curricula and policy of public to prevent their children from being exposed to ideas they hold in contempt. If these parents need the power to determine exactly what is taught, on an a la carte basis, then they need to put their kids in a private school that better meets their bigoted needs, or their kids (since they believe they know better than educators). This is all about .

#bigoted #schools #homeschool #hate

Last updated 1 year ago

Nando161 · @nando161
788 followers · 35241 posts · Server

@settraone keep licking those boots you !

:acab: :acab2: :acabkitty: :clowncop: :nocops: :pig_cop: :txt_eff_the_cops:

#bigoted #Fascist #kkkunt #bootlicker #bootlickers #tumblr #acab #AllCopsAreBastards

Last updated 1 year ago

family: *being casually transphobic*

me wishing I was anywhere else:

#transphobia #bigoted #toxic

Last updated 1 year ago

Marit Kragt (she/her) · @maritkragt
185 followers · 322 posts · Server

My father-in-law proffered that our national broadcaster @ABC has become 'too left' and is now only showing women presenters.
In fact, the ABC has just under 55% women employees and has increased its from 30% to 51% in recent years.
Conclusion: can be perceived as a against men, which is rather scary.
This article explains who you need to vote for if you prefer the status quo šŸ˜§.

#womenrepresentation #genderequality #bias #bigoted

Last updated 1 year ago

Steve Dustcircle ā» · @dustcircle
95 followers · 2623 posts · Server
Nando161 · @nando161
614 followers · 30137 posts · Server

" are not the ones " do this, do that". people are.

So if a girl grows up thinking she might be a boy just because she likes sports and cars and later realizes she's just a tomboy, transgender people are not to blame. Bigoted cisgender people are.

Transgender people supported her from the very beginning. Bigoted cisgender people made her think something was wrong with her."

#transgender #people #saying #boys #girls #bigoted #cisgender

Last updated 1 year ago

Nando161 · @nando161
598 followers · 29340 posts · Server

"The most jarring thing about reading from during the AIDS is not how cruel and they were (which cannot be overstated), but how familiar they are. Calling to forcibly tattoo with AIDS so they could be identified doesn't just sound like an extreme but dated position of the 1980s; powerful republicans are still saying comparable shit every day. Jesse Helms is running for president in the form of Ron DeSantis. When and moderates ask "what happened to the republicans," the answer is nothing. They have been just as brutal and for the past 40+ years, and anyone who says otherwise has been ignoring the pleas and of ."

#quotes #republicans #crisis #bigoted #people #american #liberals #genocidal #struggles #persecuted #groups

Last updated 1 year ago

Gladwyn dā€™Souza · @godsouza
107 followers · 1241 posts · Server

: Threats are all these weak, unserious, people have, the last refuge of the that have formed the vanguard of defending the . Itā€™s not 75 million Americans. Based on January 6, itā€™s only a few thousand of yā€™all cowards that we have to deal with in our pursuit of . And Jack Smith and the FBI are prepared to do what is necessary.

#conservative #violent #bigoted #white #supremacists #Indicted #justice

Last updated 1 year ago

Jennifer McMurray · @jennimcmurray
279 followers · 567 posts · Server

Detailed information of the four Senate and House bills in that signed restricting + rights is on my substack.

They restrict the of pretty much every , , , , , , and in Florida.

They, combined with the bill which is expanded by one of these , make up the most , hurtful, and set of laws in the .

#florida #desantis #lgbtqia #civilrights #gay #lesbian #bisexual #trans #intersex #nonbinary #gendernonconforming #american #dontsaygay #Bills #bigoted #harmful #UnitedStates

Last updated 1 year ago

Georgiann Baldino · @obtener
217 followers · 1190 posts · Server

courtesy of MSNBC "Tulsa World on Friday laid out the administrationā€™s issues with , and theyā€™re just as as one might imagine."

#stitt #pbs #bigoted

Last updated 2 years ago

Inaya Shujaat · @InayaShujaat
237 followers · 9 posts · Server

Just to give you an idea of how the admins of the last two instances that I left are:

Searching for certain terms related to and on this instance gives me so many more results than they ever did on the other instances.

I am left wondering what can one do about a bigoted instance admin?

#bigoted #islam #muslims

Last updated 2 years ago

AnneTheWriter · @AnneTheWriter1
1601 followers · 619 posts · Server

has passed a state law which effectively guts the .

This is being sold to voters as a way to not force & other officials to obey the law of the land, and allow them to practice their misguided beliefs. The problem is, CANNOT be legal without the signature of these officials.

It will also allow officials to discriminate against and .

Their firm knowledge that the current bench will almost certainly refuse to uphold the and existing laws, in favor of their own ideology, is really emboldening the and other voters there.

#tennessee #marriageequalityact #countyclerks #marriages #interracialmarriages #interfaithmarriages #conservative #scotus #constitution #bigoted #kkk #gop #lgbtq #lgbtqia #gaymarriagebill #gaymarriage #kukluxklan #marriageequality #marriagelaw

Last updated 2 years ago

Piousunyn · @Piousunyn
291 followers · 7783 posts · Server


One can ask the same question of the people in California who voted for , in Colorado. in Florida. in Texas.

Voting for to end , takes a special kind of person, hybrid ignorance is required, one full on and needing to look down on someone and feel superior. Which is hard work.

$MTG says the pay in Congress 175,000 is not enough for all her hard work.

#mccarthy #boebert #desantis #abbot #nazis #democracy #bigoted #racist

Last updated 2 years ago

Ihthisham · @unearth
1428 followers · 424 posts · Server

Is the telegraph the Fox News of Britain?

WTF would they dead name her?
A person committing a crime doesn't give u the right to deadname them.

#deadname #pronouns #bigoted #britain

Last updated 2 years ago

getmisch · @GetMisch
34 followers · 370 posts · Server
parv · @parvXm
66 followers · 2214 posts · Server

Proven yet again that an government in has been in power for far too long in form of nationalist, , particularly BJP, along with RSS colored the same, with fucker Narendra M as the fucking prime minster.

Indian officials search BBC offices after documentary critical of prime minister[0], 20230214,
via AP via PBS,

0- India: The Modi Question,
via Two via Odysee,

#bbc #authoritarian #india #Islamophob #modi #bigoted #fascist

Last updated 2 years ago

Mark Lobbestael šŸ¦† · @Mlobbes
667 followers · 364 posts · Server

I see Republicans used the Super Bowl as an opportunity to once again prove they remain fully dedicated to showing the rest of us how racist and bigoted they are at every possible opportunity. We arenā€™t supposed be all ā€œwokeā€ and notice it though. Thatā€™s just divisive and mean Iā€™m told.

#halftime #superbowl #racism #bigoted #blm #gopfacists #democracy #facts #politics

Last updated 2 years ago

gaymanifold · @gaymanifold
27 followers · 130 posts · Server

@boris_steipe @austegard @kcarruthers I imagine these sorts of systems being used for example in corporate media. Because it's cheaper for a computer to mass produce "standard" news stories (or even all of the news stories). You can only imagine what this kind of bias can be amplified.

We cannot accept that such a powerful tool as be bigoted. The burden cannot be on the user to use this tool in a non-bigoted way. The burden was on the developers.

The developers clearly understood that it was showing behavior. They fixed the most blatant bigotry and chose to release ChatGPT because there was money to be made. They decided to release the bigoted one because they knew the distinction didn't matter to most executives who would use such a system on mass scale.

#chatgpt #bigoted #capitalism #ai #sexism #racism #corporatemedia

Last updated 2 years ago