Clothwright · @CarrieB
344 followers · 2356 posts · Server

It's move-in day, only mid-afternoon, and already the year's first message from the U president condemning anti-semitism and homophobia. Because of graffiti. Sigh.

#wtf #stopalready #bigotrysucks

Last updated 1 year ago

SLCWđŸ’„ · @slcw
135 followers · 2071 posts · Server

It's a little weird that Ted Cruz has taken the correct position on this issue, but what really pisses me off are the people commenting on it. I know for a fact none of these cowards would say these things to my face, yet they feel free to unleash vicious bigotry while hiding behind their keyboards and screen names. They are the definition of the word, "coward".

#lgbtq #bigotrysucks

Last updated 1 year ago

SLCWđŸ’„ · @slcw
127 followers · 1975 posts · Server

It was just a joke! Because the customer is black! Get it? Hahahhaha... It's totally OK tho because he's got a black friend!

This type of shit is infuriating. I don't care how many "black friends" you have. You don't use that goddammed word. You don't lean on 400 years of dehumanization, and virulent racism to make a "joke". I hope this dude's alleged black friends whoop his ass and make it clear that they're not his friend.

#Racism #bigotrysucks #whitesupremacy

Last updated 1 year ago

SLCWđŸ’„ · @slcw
85 followers · 1241 posts · Server
treefern06 · @treefern06
14 followers · 81 posts · Server

To any trans folks reading this, the language might upset you, but this is the Onion, they mean this as satire of the many in media. Just thought I'd give you a heads up.

That said: what a brilliant piece of satire.

#transphobes #theonion #bigotrysucks #opposetransphobia

Last updated 2 years ago

Liz Mancini · @eDragonflym
61 followers · 132 posts · Server

Why is it that when I watch any queer content creators on YouTube - Caelen Conrad, Lily Alexandre, James Somerston - I get bombarded with transphobia? In the past few days, I have seen recommendations for anti-trans hate videos from Glenn Beck, Jordan Peterson and Abigail Shrier.

Todd in the Shadows? Oddity Archive? Wrestling? Normal suggestions. But one pro-trans video? I get a freaking Matt Walsh ad.

This crap has to stop.

#transphobia #youtube #bigotry #bigotrysucks

Last updated 2 years ago

AnneToTheC · @AnneToTheC
175 followers · 275 posts · Server

Now, more than ever, we must stand by the community.

#lgbtq #loveislove #bigotrysucks

Last updated 2 years ago