Kotaku: Kotaku’s Weekend Guide: 6 Games To Get Lost In https://kotaku.com/games-to-play-best-overwatch-final-fantasy-diablo-1850614643 #gaming #tech #kotaku #multiplayeronlinegames #ericschulkinplanet #nobuhikoobayashi #alyssamercante #carolynpetit #windowsgames #playstation2 #mikemignola #bigscreenvr #wongkarwai #ethangach #overwatch #playdead #gamescom #moira #clive #gorn
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #multiplayeronlinegames #ericschulkinplanet #nobuhikoobayashi #alyssamercante #carolynpetit #windowsgames #playstation2 #MikeMignola #bigscreenvr #wongkarwai #ethangach #overwatch #PlayDead #gamescom #moira #clive #gorn
Bigscreen Beyond is a $999 VR headset that's said to be the world's smallest lightest, at just 127 grams. It has dual 1 inch 2560 x 2560 pixel 90 Hz OLED displays and a custom fit mesh (after you scan your face with an iPhone). External hardware required for position tracking and audio. https://www.roadtovr.com/bigscreen-beyond-pc-vr-steam-release-price-specs/
#VR #VRHeadset #BigscreenVR #BigscreenBeyond #VirtualReality
#vr #vrheadset #bigscreenvr #bigscreenbeyond #virtualreality
Die Macher der #BigscreenVR App haben soeben eine VR Brille präsentiert. Schaut vielversprechend aus, bin ja gespannt, was/ob Apple dieses Jahr was in diese Richtung präsentiert… https://youtu.be/tH3ZVoj8cDg #VR
In #VR, I think #BigscreenVR is one of those "killer apps". Almost.
The public rooms have become kind of a cesspool and I don't think they've really got any sense of urgency about cleaning it up.