Here's a playlist of some of The Faker Club's songs if anyone is interested in listening to more of them:
(TV Star and F**k You both have f-bombs in them in case you're gonna listen with kids around or at work or something...)
I think off the whole list, Drama is probably my favorite song. I am not going to guess how many times a day I listen to it. lol
#TheFakerClub #from20 #HelloGloom #Raehwan #Ungjae #Bigstar #Imfact #kpop
#thefakerclub #from20 #hellogloom #raehwan #ungjae #bigstar #imfact #kpop
And since I'm now on a kick, here's my all-time favorite Chilton guitar performance, and one of just my all around all-time favorite guitar tunes. Nothing misplaced. #NowPlaying #BigStar
Big Star - O My Soul
It’s a classic for a reason.
#bigstar #septembergurls #radiocity
#bigstar #septembergurls #radiocity
We are all the keyboard player & life is our tv debut.
#alexchilton #bigstar #boxtops
John Brodeur is such a Big Star fan that he got the iconic power-pop band's drummer, Jody Stephens, to play on the latest Bird Streets album, Lagoon. Bird Streets is the fantastic band fronted by John, and on the Spotlight On podcast, he talks in-depth with host @lawrenceperyer about Big Star, recording Lagoon, and his sometimes heart-rending songwriting process. This is quite a special episode — do have a listen →
#podcast #PowerPop #BirdStreets #BigStar
#bigstar #birdstreets #powerpop #podcast
C = Alex Chilton - High Priest (1987)
#bigstar #highpriest #alexchilton
‘#1 Record’ de #BigStar: el magnífico y oculto álbum del famoso grupo estadounidense.
Big Star es uno de esos tesoros apenas descubiertos de la década de los setenta. Aunque reconocidos e incluso tomados como referencia por músicos posteriores, parece increíble cómo una mala gestión puede enturbiar el buen arte.
#1 Record es toda una declaración de intenciones. Lo cierto es que el disco perfectamente estaba capacitado para cumplir lo que presumía en el título. Contiene maravillosas canciones, incluso puede que hayas escuchado alguna sin saber que pertenece a Big Star.
En este artículo hacemos un breve repaso sobre la concepción del disco y, a su vez, rendimos un pequeño homenaje a un grupo que jamás debería quedar en el olvido.
Lee la reseña completa aquí:
#bigstar #musica #vinilo #vinyl #resena
Phthursday Musings: Rapid Fire #halloffame #lamps #bigstar #mastodon #writing #joejackson #anaeverling #ice #clouds #apricot #somuchmore
#halloffame #lamps #bigstar #mastodon #writing #joejackson #anaeverling #ice #clouds #apricot #somuchmore
I feel like were living in an alternate timeline where the title of #1 Record by #BigStar did not become accurate and that is how we got here.
#bigstar #deepthoughts #rock #music
What a brilliant song. #newvideonow #chrisbell #bigstar
#newvideonow #chrisbell #bigstar
Great Albums – 1970s: #BigStar – #RadioCity (1974). Debut LP #1Record (follow tag) is a bit stronger for Chris Bell’s presence, but on the follow-up, Alex Chilton holds his own in a power trio format, writing some of the band’s enduring tunes, “Back of a Car,” “She’s a Mover,” and “September Gurls.” Although “lost” in the 70s, the legacy of Big Star has grown in recent years (thanks streaming) to the point they can be considered legit icons.
#GreatAlbums1970s, #Album, #Vinyl, #Rock, #PowerPop
#powerpop #rock #vinyl #album #greatalbums1970s #1record #radiocity #bigstar
Yesterday was the anniversary of Chris Bell's death, today is the anniversary of Alex Chilton's birth. #BigStar
Lots of people remembering Alex Chilton today.
Seems as good a day as any to post the letter he sent me back in the day.
What a guy. What an inspiration.
Happy birthday Alex ❤️
My very own
#musodon #musique #music #bigstar #alexchilton
#happybirthday #alexchilton … he would be doing some really cool things if he was still here. Dan Penn (in glasses) and Alex Chilton lounging at the Sam Phillips Recording Service, mid-1970s. Photo by William Eggleston. #danpenn #samphillips #williameggleston #memphis #bigstar #boxtops #cubistblues
#cubistblues #boxtops #bigstar #memphis #williameggleston #samphillips #danpenn #alexchilton #happybirthday
On this day, December 27, 1978: Chris Bell died when he lost control of his TR-7 and hit a light pole on Poplar Avenue in Memphis, TN; he was 27.
Today’s soundtrack: Big Star and Bell’s solo album, “I Am the Cosmos”
Today’s screening: “Big Star: Nothing Can Hurt Me”
Today’s sad quote: “I dunno, rock ‘n’ roll just kinda went dead for me.”
Today’s tattoo:
Not a Christian and am weary of most Christmas music, but I love this one. Big Star kinda went under the radar but were a big influence on the Athens, Georgia music scene.
#Christmas, #BigStar, #ClassicRock
#christmas #bigstar #classicrock
O My Soul #bigstar #vinyl #powerpop #vinylrecords @vinylrecords
#bigstar #vinyl #powerpop #vinylrecords
#StaxRecords music is very dear to my heart...
I never travel far
without a little #BigStar
BUT also not without the Stax-Volt Complete Singles album!
The New York Times: Jim Stewart, Unlikely Entrepreneur of Soul Music, Dies at 92.