thuisonderwijs en gaat muziek studeren aan #TheBerkleeCollegeofMusic waar ze les krijgt van #SusanTedeschi.
Op haar 14de brengt ze dus haar 1ste soloalbum genaamd #StagesOfTheSun en in 2014 haar tweede soloalbum, snel gevolgd door een album met toekomstig mede bandlid #BuckMeek.
De 2 krijgen in 2015 versterking van #MaxOleartchik en #JamesKrivchenia en de band #BigThief begint aan de opnames van hun eerste album dat uitkomt in 2016.
In 2020 winnen ze een grammy voor beste alternatief album.
#theberkleecollegeofmusic #susantedeschi #stagesofthesun #buckmeek #maxoleartchik #jameskrivchenia #bigthief
Martinho Lucas Pires estreia-se na #Almanaque com um texto sobre um concerto dos Big Thief:
Ilustração: @liaferreira
#almanaquemag #martinholucaspires #bigthief #musica
#almanaque #almanaquemag #martinholucaspires #bigthief #musica
"Are your lights on?" is a nice metaphor used in songs to ask, I guess, if someone is still 'alive', young, exciting, whatever.
Reply with any songs you have.
First is Bros by Wolf Alice, from an amazing acoustic performance with cowboy backing vocals at NPR.
Next is Big Thief with mythological beauty, you gotta wait till the end.
Share and reply with any 'Are your lights on?' lyrics.
#music #lyrics #wolfalice #bigthief #areyourlightson
Monday 🎵
This is the song I want to sing to you:
Big Thief - Mythological Beauty
#music #adriannelenker #bigthief
Buck Meek – Haunted Mountain – Neue Single
#FolkRock #News #SingerSongwriter #BigThief #BuckMeek #Folk #HauntedMountain
#folkrock #news #singersongwriter #bigthief #buckmeek #folk #hauntedmountain
@thatguy Just discovered, and love them! I seem to be moving into more #roots / #americana as I get older 😂
#roots #americana #music #nowlistening #bigthief
Big Thief tonight at Madrid. Completely different set from Groningen but what a great concert. Again.
#music #madrid #BigThief #riviera #tour #adrianneLenker #groningen #salaLaRiviera #Live
#Live #salalariviera #groningen #adriannelenker #tour #riviera #bigthief #Madrid #Music
For the next week I will be in #Madrid. One #concert I will attend is #Eels. Maybe also #BigThief, again. Any other #suggestions anyone? Thanks!
#rock #classical #Jazz #Music #suggestions #bigthief #eels #concert #Madrid
now playing #nowplaying
Big Thief
Natalie Merchant
Katie Gately
Angel Olsen
Courtney Barnett
Phoebe Bridgers
Lucinda Williams
#Feist #boygenius #BigThief #NatalieMerchant #KatieGately #Wednesday #AngelOlsen #CourtneyBarnett #PhoebeBridgers #LucindaWilliams
#NowPlaying #feist #boygenius #bigthief #nataliemerchant #katiegately #wednesday #angelolsen #courtneybarnett #phoebebridgers #LucindaWilliams
Nice ❤️ #BigThief "Born for Loving You" #live
Anyone out there listening to #BigThief? #AdrianneLenker is starting to look like the millennial answer to Bob Dylan. They’re playing at Shelburne Museum this summer - I can’t wait. #vermont #music #burlington
#bigthief #adriannelenker #vermont #music #burlington
“Blue lightning was an autograph signing up the sky…”
After tens of thousands of miles I’ve finally got a name for my car. I’m borrowing “Blue Lightning” from the Big Thief song of the same name.
“I wanna live forever 'til I die
Yeah, I wanna live forever 'til I die”
#mazda #miata #mx5 #weirdcarmastodon #bigthief
Ik ben op zoek naar 3 tickets voor #bigthief in #groningen op 16 april. Als iemand ze kwijt wil. Heel graag!
#BenLamarGay #BigThief #BlackCountryNewRoad #SoftKill and a coffee. Sun's up, it's a #newdayrising might Hüsker Dü #OnMyRadio #Music #BandCamp #NowListening
#nowlistening #BandCamp #Music #onmyradio #newdayrising #softkill #blackcountrynewroad #bigthief #benlamargay
Atzokoan, emozio eta esperientzia ederrez gain, bi binilo ekarri nituen Vinyloratik. Horrelako proiektuak babestu beharrean gaude. Erosi etxekoei, zure interesagatik bada ere! Prezio eta tratuan irabazten aterako zara, eta gurean lanpostu duinak sustatzen lagunduko duzu. Zein da zure aitzakia?
Atzokoan, emozio eta esperientzia ederrez gain, bi binilo ekarri nituen Vinyloratik. Horrelako proiektuak babestu beharrean gaude. Erosi etxekoei, zure interesagatik bada ere! Prezio eta tratuan irabazten aterako zara, eta gurean lanpostu duinak sustatzen lagunduko duzu. Zein da zure aitzakia?