Take the survey and Ask for better pedestrian infrastructure, more bike lanes and more lights! #bikeDC https://www.reimaginedowntowndc.com
Got my very sexy mail order rubbers by post today. #BikeDC #cycling #gravelbiking @peter @ridingnowhere
#bikeDC #Cycling #gravelbiking
Some minutia on hit by a car/ hit by a driver. @bikedc https://www.npr.org/sections/publiceditor/2023/09/07/1198102573/when-covering-car-cyclist-collisions
Not to be all #BikeDC “get off my lawn” but if you have the full spandex-bro outfit and are using the oncoming traffic lane to pass cars at stop signs, I want to see you sprinting up tiny hills like the one heading south on Beach drive entering Rock Creek, not pooped out going 8mph.
If you’re not training that aggressively, just spare the rest of us the worry that you’re about to become roadkill.
I haven't been out on the road before 9am in a while (This is usually coffee and email time) and WTAF is wrong with people #bikeDC
Just happy Washingtonian is covering these angles. #BikeDC https://www.washingtonian.com/2023/08/29/joy-and-rage-on-two-wheels-a-qa-with-dcs-bike-booster/
It's my #terniversary! 2 years, 2555 car miles diverted. #BikeDC #ternbicycles #ternHSD
#terniversary #bikeDC #ternbicycles #ternhsd
@bikedc more of the ride - through Kensington and seeing the house destroyed in the storm #biketooter #bikedc #bikemd
A ride from NoMA to Rockville in two parts - highlights included the new sections of the MBT and Sligo Creek. It was sad to see the new ghost bike for Dzhoy #biketooter #bikedc #bikemd @bikedc
The fine should be a billion dollars though: https://jalopnik.com/sinister-diesel-fined-1m-selling-illegal-defeat-devices-1850707731
#BikeTooter #BikeDC #Cycling
New Bike Day! Salsa Vaya GRX @bikedc #biketooter #bikeDC #newbikeday
#BikeTooter #bikeDC #NewBikeDay
Dumbest 15th Street #bikedc cycletrack behavior yet; someone riding a bike at about 5mph while also walking a dog.
The bike lanes on Capitol Hill are still nearly chockablock with storm debris. Maryland Ave, 14th St, 4th St, etc. I don’t imagine that DDOT/DPW/MMB is going to make clearing them a priority, waiting for the next storm to blow more away, so please be careful #bikeDC.
#bikeDC wow, the live chat in the Arboretum Bridge meeting right now is spicy. A bunch of people who are totally opposed to any crossing whatsoever are the only ones talking, and they are ANGRY.
To shift gears entirely from my last @bikedc #bikeDC post: a GoFundMe has been established to support the cyclist that was assaulted (reportedly by a truck driver) last week on 8th NE. Contrary to the PoPville post, the cyclist most definitely is not OK. https://www.gofundme.com/f/helping-joe-smile-again
It's happening again this September! Sunday 9/17, specifically. DC Family Bike Fest at Tanner Park. Woom will be there with their NOW kids cargo bike to test ride (and giveaway in a raffle), plus all sorts of other great things.
@bikedc #bikeDC http://tinyurl.com/dcfest2023
More Trails! The Central Avenue Connector Trail in Prince George’s County (MD USA) looks like a really useful project.