@Stehpferd Hast du eigt. ein kompaktes Fahrradschloss für dein Drahtesel? Ich möchte mir gerne was kompaktes zulegen für Ausfahrten. hast du da was? #cycling #bikelock #fahrradschloss #rennrad #gravelbike
#cycling #bikeLock #fahrradschloss #rennrad #gravelbike
My bike parking at former office. All workplaces should have secure and dry bike parking. Makes a big difference in rain and snow to have bike inside l. Also means didn't need to carry multiple u-locks. No one tried to break in the 13 years I used it. (Working mostly home office & virtually now) #cycling @cycling #CycleCommuting #bikeLock #yxe
#yxe #bikeLock #cyclecommuting #cycling
Putting another #bikeLock on someone else's bike would be a form of #theft, an #unlawfulSeizure of property.
#bikeLock #theft #unlawfulSeizure