I swear to God motorists are the most pathetic, entitled group of human beings on the planet. #bikeDEN
Someone in Denver should buy this bike as a spare for when your friends visit, preferably when I visit =D
Wouldn’t medal in the #CarryShitOlympics but I’m proud nonetheless #bikeDEN #Denver #HomeDepot #BikeTooter
#carryshitolympics #bikeden #denver #homedepot #BikeTooter
Got to ride the new “lane” on 46th today. Obviously not as nice as protected but I like that it’s not trying to share the parking lanes #bikeden
If local e-bike rebate programs continue to follow the Denver (and now DC) model of requiring local purchase, will DTC makers like Rad and Bunch start opening brick and mortar shops? #bikeden #bikeDC #BikeTooter
It’s treacherous out there folks #bikeDEN #denver #BikeAsTransportation
#bikeden #denver #bikeastransportation
Denver Mayor's Bicycling Advisory Committee is accepting apps for members. We advise the mayor on matters relating to bicycles. We're looking for diverse backgrounds/abilities to help Denver become a better place to ride a bike. #BikeDen Apply by Dec 15: http://tiny.cc/MBACinfo
Heading out for a spin. Going to try the newish 17th avenue bike lane westbound this time! #BikeDEN