Just did my inaugural 7 mile #BikeE CT RoadE ride on the Capital Crescent Trail from #Bethesda to the Dalecarlia Tunnel and back! It felt much better than a regular bike and I am getting adjusted to the twitchy steering. It does feel riding a pedal powered tractor trailer sometimes. Can't wait to take this down to the National Mall, National Harbor, Shirlington, and the National Arboretum in the future. @claudiom @kelbot @darkstar @robert588 @gemlog @snowdusk
Just landed this beauty (BikeE CT RoadE edition, 21 speed recumbent) for $50 from a family in Capitol Hill! Even better - it's DC Metro compliant, as in it fits on trains and elevators! Time to ride it to Mt. Vernon and back...#bikedc #bikee #capitolhill #recumbentbike #roadbike #dcmetro #wmata @robert588 @claudiom @darkstar@mastodon.nl @jirka @stug @dctrud @snowdusk @kelbot @mcornick
#bikedc #bikee #capitolhill #recumbentbike #roadbike #dcmetro #wmata