Inara got her new joring harness today. This completes her end which includes the attachment for the bike/wheelchair. I've got the bike, I just need someplace accessible to store it. Now I just need the wheelchair.
#adventuresofbookandinara #bikejoring #siberianhusky #servicedog
#Bikejoring: cos’è, come si pratica e quali sono i benefici
Hai mai sentito parlare di bikejoring? Scopriamo di cosa si tratta e come si pratica la corsa con i cani.
#Bikejoring: what it is, how it is practised and what the benefits are
Have you ever heard of bikejoring? Let's find out what it is and how it is practised.
28-5-2023 11:30 #IlPescara
@RichFox Here's my bike. I've been riding this for 10 years and have worked with I don't know how many Sams in that time. I have found for me...a single speed with a coaster brake is the ticket. I didn't think I would like the smaller bike, but it works beautifully.
@NoThanks There's a fairly obscure sport called dryland mushing or #bikejoring where you have 1 or 2 #dogs pulling a #kickbike. It's more popular in northern places where winter #mushing is a thing. But a few people do urban mushing like this, including in the US.
Usually the #dog is out front on a leash, but having it by your side like in this video must make it easier to steer.
Now, getting around town by mushing a team of, say, 4–6 dogs has to be the ultimate eccentric form of transportation.
#bikejoring #dogs #kickbike #mushing #dog
Part of me wants a #BritishBulldog that just sits there, smiles and snorts.
Part of me wants a #dog for #bikejoring😂
#bikejoring #dog #britishbulldog
La chienne que je babysitte, en plus de la mienne.
Elle commence à bien se débrouiller en canivtt, elle est gentille tout plein, trop gentille, et ne supporte pas de ne pas me voir. Elle est comlante #velo #canivtt #bikejoring #dog #chien
#velo #canivtt #bikejoring #dog #chien
Bikejoring is cool.
Just do it, your dog will love it.
Don't need to go fast, best way to exercise energetic dogs.
Faisez du cani-vtt, du vélo avec le chien, les chiens aiment ça.
Pas besoin de faire de la compétition, rien que pour ce ballader c'est sympa.
#velo #vélo #bikejoring #canivtt #cani-vtt #chien #bicycle
#velo #bikejoring #canivtt #cani #chien #bicycle