A League of American Bicyclists / #BikeLeague cycling instructor in California issued a request for bike advocates to send letters to
#Sacramento #DistrictAttorney Thien Ho about an apparent #RoadRage incident in #California’s capital city on August 12.
For address, sample letter, and details: https://bikemonterey.org/bike-advocacy-prosecution-of-road-rage-in-californias-capital-city.html
#BikeTooter #transportation #TrafficViolence #TrafficSafety #VisionZero #cycling #bicycling
#bikeleague #sacramento #districtattorney #roadrage #california #BikeTooter #transportation #TrafficViolence #trafficsafety #visionzero #cycling #Bicycling
@dairpo Kudos on supporting more families biking.
Meet Phil / @ascentale, a #BikeLeague instructor with lots of biking with children tips.
Also see part 21 of https://bikemonterey.org/tips-for-tourists/personal-safety
Here I've been talking about log trucks & just now saw this, just in the nick of time!
July 20th's the last day so still a little time left for others to go to this page & press Send Message (it's already written, thanks to #BikeLeague) to make freight trucks safer for people outside them on bikes, walking, rolling, etc: "The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (#NHTSA) has invited comments on a proposed rule regarding side underride guards on large trucks."
Section 5 of our Tips for #Bicycling #MontereyCounty 20-section guide is the #BikeAndRide section. Part 3 of that section is about #Train Service, including #Amtrak tips. https://bikemonterey.org/tips-for-tourists/the-bike-and-ride-option
For more Amtrak tips, check out League of American #Bicyclists / #BikeLeague's July 18 webinar. https://bikeleague.org/calendar/amtrak-bike-task-force-tours/
#Bicycling #montereycounty #bikeandride #train #amtrak #bicyclists #bikeleague
California state investments are helping schools buy zero-emission school buses and needed charging infrastructure with grants of up to $495,000 per bus for vehicle and infrastructure costs: https://ww2.arb.ca.gov/news/funding-switch-zero-emission-school-buses-now-available.
As for the other type of school buses — bicycle buses (aka bicycle trains)
ask @ascentale, a League of American Bicyclists / #BikeLeague LCI, about his experiences. Additional resource: #PhysicalEducation Coach Sam Balto https://linktr.ee/coachbalto.
#bikeleague #physicaleducation
Thanks to Geoffrey Arnold for responding today https://bikemonterey.org/about/financial-donations/donors to #Bicycling #Monterey's July 1 call for H-E-L-P
Geoff is a #MontereyCounty resident and is certified as a League of American #Bicyclists / #BikeLeague cycling instructor. He's also a U.S. #AirForce #veteran, #YMCA Central Coast board member, and, with his wife, Rebecca Arnold, is a member of the Arnold Team of #Carmel Realty: https://www.arnold-team.com/our-team.htm / https://www.carmelrealtycompany.com/person-geoff-arnold_259.htm
How do we know so much about Geoff? He volunteered to help us with one of the Bicycling Monterey projects—community outreach and education—by joining us in tabling at a U.S. #Navy #FleetAndFamily support day: https://bikemonterey.org/fleet-family-support-family-fun-day-including-bike-skills-and-safety.html
#BikeTooter #BikeAdvocacy #BikeLife #Bicycle #Bicycles #ClimateAction #Transportation
#Bicycling #monterey #montereycounty #bicyclists #bikeleague #airforce #veteran #ymca #carmel #navy #fleetandfamily #BikeTooter #bikeadvocacy #bikelife #bicycle #bicycles #climateaction #transportation
Thank you for your investigation re: large trucks.
League of American #Bicyclists / Bike League's most recent call to action: https://bikeleague.org/take-action/action-center/
From #BikeLeague: "Though large trucks represent only 4% of the vehicles on the road, crashes involving large trucks and bicyclists result in 11% of bicyclist and pedestrian fatalities." https://bikeleague.org/take-action/policy-advocacy/on-the-issues/large-truck-safety/
“Large-scale cars, trucks, and SUVs, like the Ford F-150 and the Cadillac Escalade, put their drivers in a position away from the front of the vehicle and lifted into the air, meaning that drivers cannot see the ground for ten to twenty feet directly in front of them.”—Connor Herbert of Bike League https://bikemonterey.org/making-eye-contact-with-drivers-vehicle-size-and-other-perils.html
#bicyclists #bikeleague #BikeTooter #trucks #trafficsafety #publicsafety
Whose reasons for #biking include #ClimateChange and other #environmental impacts of #transportation?
Among the many who bike in part to help care for the earth are 82-yr-old Dave, who we met biking the #MontereyBay coastal trail; 43-yr-old Patrick, who we met at a #Monterey-#Salinas Transit plaza; 34-yr-old Sierra, a Connecticut resident who laments infrastructure by her home isn't nearly as safe as other places she's biked, including Amsterdam; and 42-yr-old Phil / @ascentale, an Oakland #BikeLeague LCI. https://bikemonterey.org/voices-of-people-who-bike-part-1-who-bikes-why-and-memories.html
Wherever you are on the planet, if you're not already connected with #ClimateRealityProject, here you go: https://www.climaterealityproject.org
And if you're in #SantaCruz or #Monterey counties, here are details on June 30 #EndDependenceDay —end dependence on fossil fuels: https://bikemonterey.org/act-on-climate-monterey-bay-chapter-climate-reality-project.html
#biking #climatechange #environmental #transportation #MontereyBay #monterey #salinas #bikeleague #climaterealityproject #santacruz #enddependenceday #BikeTooter #montereycounty #ClimateReality #climatecrisis
@DrTCombs Yes! And we appreciate this 1997 notice to Editors and Correspondents from the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration: https://www.fmcsa.dot.gov/newsroom/crash-not-accident. #FMCSA
We've avoided such use of word "accident" since a #BikeLeague LCI, Tom Cassera, brought it to our attention in bikemonterey.org's early years. And we've shared with #MontereyCounty media professionals, e.g., #MontereyCountyWeekly about that word; most now use "crash" or "collision" instead of "accident."
It's easy for people to forget why such language is important. Even our state bicycle coalition's staff page https://www.calbike.org/about_us/who_we_are/staff/ needs that word changed (we were told last summer they'd change it; apparently slid down their to-do list). BTW, we appreciate CalBike regardless! :) See their #ActiveTransportation slate for 2023: https://www.calbike.org/legislative-watch/.
#fmcsa #bikeleague #montereycounty #montereycountyweekly #activetransportation
@CathyTuttle About that self-driving bicycle video: showing young children using the bike to get about on their own, while parent stays home working on computer, was more than surprising. Maybe we misunderstood the msg? Not gonna take time to watch it again.
Of couse, maybe we'll turn out to be mistaken. For today, we doubt we'd see people like #BikeLeague LCI @ascentale eager to send kids out on self-driving bicycles anytime soon.
Meanwhile, this on self-driving vehicles of other sorts: https://infosec.exchange/@DevaOnBreaches/110437915620186969
One of the perks of the National Bike Summit is getting a pass to the #BicycleFilmFest
As a lover of #Bicycles and #Film this makes me very happy.
#pn_film #nationalbikesummit2023 #nationalbikesummit #biketooter #bikeleague #Film #bicycles #bicyclefilmfest
Missed first virtual attendance day of National Bike Summit 2023 because I simply forgot about it. And had the sessions I was most interested in. Dagnabbit.
Yesterday and today had some good ones.
One takeaway that might help others is that more grants are available than most people are aware of. One of the biggest barriers is people not knowing how to fill out grant applications properly.
#NBS2023 #NationalBikeSummit
#bikeleague #nationalbikesummit2023 #nationalbikesummit #nbs2023
Making Eye Contact with Drivers: Vehicle Size and Other Perils
#BikeLeague #BlindZones #ActiveTransportation #PublicSafety #IAmTraffic #BikeMonterey #BikeTooter
#bikeleague #blindzones #activetransportation #publicsafety #iamtraffic #BikeMonterey #BikeTooter
Really wish the United States auto manufacturers and legislative bodies had safety measures for people outside of motor vehicles that didn't prioritize speed and the safety of only people inside motor vehicles.
Until then, this might help a bit:
Measuring danger zones of motor vehicles.
#BikeTooter #bicycling #Bike #Cycling #BikeLeague #LeagueOfAmericanBicyclists
#leagueofamericanbicyclists #bikeleague #Cycling #Bike #bicycling #biketooter