Besides counting the bollards in this video (#bollards are one cost-effective way that smart #TrafficEngineers make it impossible to drive a car onto bikeways & small bridges without #consent), also dig this #EdgeLaneRoad / #AdvisoryBikeLanes setup as a fiscally responsible alternative to yellow #CenterLines and free #Parking vs #InducedDemand for #BikesAsTransportation #ClimateAction #VisionZero etc. Note small child riding their own 🚲
🚲 @activetowns @BicycleDutch
#bollards #trafficengineers #consent #edgelaneroad #advisorybikelanes #centerlines #parking #induceddemand #bikesastransportation #climateaction #visionzero
Rode my bike to run errands yesterday. If I did what this driver did, I’d be feeding into the narrative that people on bikes never follow the rules. Yet when drivers do this, it’s an individual action, doesn’t reflect all drivers,
shrug our shoulders and we an excuse for it
#baddrivers #carculturesucks #carculture #bicycle #BikesAsTransportation #RedLightRunning
#baddrivers #carculturesucks #carculture #bicycle #bikesastransportation #RedLightRunning
I love these #BikeBus stories but they also make me a little sad
I walked to school unaccompanied as a young kid and biked unaccompanied as a middle schooler/high schooler (and also rode plenty of buses)
I think of these as a first, transitional step toward freedom from #CarDependency in the US, but what happens after school? Kids should be able to travel independently at age appropriate levels. We need to prioritize #BikesAsTransportation
#BikeBus #CarDependency #bikesastransportation
I’m also part of the #TwitterExodus. I want to discover this new place and I really enjoy so far the ad- and algorithm-free place.
I’m writing my thesis in #geography about #publicSpaces and #parkingLots at the #Leipzig university. My interests are #cities, #urbanPlanning, #bikes (especially #BikesAsTransportation and #gravelbikes), #mobility (#verkehrswende ), #urbanism, #politics, #dogs…
My #toots will be #german and #english.
#introduction #twitterexodus #geography #publicspaces #parkinglots #leipzig #cities #UrbanPlanning #bikes #bikesastransportation #gravelbikes #mobility #verkehrswende #urbanism #politics #dogs #Toots #german #english
New on my blog: Review of Carsick Designs "Xtra Big One!" Slingset for Surly Big Dummy longtail cargo bikes:
#cargobikes #BikeTooter #bikesastransportation #xtracycle