Hey #Boston folks, I desperately need a job. But also I can't keep getting jobs that hurt me. My time in food service is done (my skin can't handle the constant washing and chemical exposure). But the only suggestions people "doing better" than me suggest all seem... either disconnected from "real" work at best, or straight up parasitic at worst.
I'm good with my hands, I'm smart, I'm flexible and can (and my ADHD means I need to) move from desk to field or shop work easily. I'm computer-savvy for a hands-on worker, I can research, strategize, and apply physical solutions and create detailed and accurate logs.
I'd love to keep working with bikes, but all the big companies did a capitalism and are putting the screws to small local shops, so everyone is tightening their belts now...
But I can't sell myself, or afford/build a life around a car. Most trades require you to have a car, if not a truck. Most city jobs require you to have a CDL, which... come the fuck on.
I'd love to keep working with bikes, but all the big companies did a capitalism and swamped the market and are putting the screws to small local shops, so everyone is tightening their belts now...
I'm tired. I'm sapped. And I'm running out of money.
I could really use a hand.
#antiwork #IWW #help #job #burnout #biketoot #bikesatwork #bikeshop #bikeIndustry
#boston #antiwork #IWW #help #job #burnout #biketoot #bikesatwork #bikeshop #bikeindustry
@wasted Yeah, the thinking laid out in this article is exactly what I think is the main enemy of us ever achieving meaningful change. We need massive shifts in the way we live our day-to-day lives, but #recycling and other #greenwashing techniques get rolled out to placate folks who "mean well" but are wholly unwilling to accept any aspect of their current lives and goals. Just put that bottle in the right bin, buy the right kind of car, and you've done your part.
Seeing as how I'm not hamstrung by word limits on this instance, I'll copy and paste your other responses and respond to them here, to try to consolidate this into a more parseable thread. Not sure if that's actually helpful, but hey, we're all learning the ropes.
"Also wrt compostable plastics, is that true of industrial / high-heat facilities? I was wondering about this recently, I use Bootstrap for my compost and often find myself tossing PLA containers in the bin."
I was only ever involved in transport, so I can't speak to this at all, aside from saying, in general, any #composting system has to maintain a #balance, and there's a limit to how far you can push one component or another. Prefacing the following statement with "I am a #greencollargrunt, and have no qualifications to make these statements, but if I had to put forth a theory:" Most of these #compostable plastics are "technically so," but there's so much of them being put into the system that they are out of balance. I think the ratio of actual biologic matter to plastic to effectively break down everything is huge, so... it doesn't take much. But of course the American public just wants to hear that they technically could compost it, and that's good enough for them. Just like with recycling.
"(Last reply lol my character limit is small) Can I boost this btw?"
Boost away. The main reason I started transitioning over here (actually not a twitter refugee!) was because it seemed like a platform that we could actually have conversations on. I am a recovering instagram junky, and I kept posting my photography and trying to talk about the problems I was seeing, and The most I got was "🔥 shot!" over and over again from folks trying to work the algorithm. I'm pretty sure everyone who is likely to see my stuff on this platform gets it already, but I am really hoping we'll be able to move past just talking in circles into actually DOING SOMETHING about this shit. Solutions exist, but we need to decide to start working on them instead of waiting for some politician or bug-fuck billionaire to suddenly find fixing these problems to be profitable.
Gonna sign off now, but have somne #bikesatwork porn. A few shots of the #trikes out on the job to atone for the previous trike pic I posted and neglected to alt-text.
#recycling #greenwashing #composting #balance #greencollargrunt #compostable #bikesatwork #trikes