Intro post. Haven’t done one of these in ages. My life revolves around bikes, food, music and my family. I run a bike shop/cafe in a small Minnesota town, put on a fun gravel ride with friends, gain access for #mountainbikes in our woods, and work to make sure #cycling connectivity in town gets safer. Love #music and going to shows, i cook and #bake all the time and gaze in Wonder at the people my kids are turning into. #mountainbiking #trailbuilding #singletrackmind #bikesbelong #commutebybike
#mountainbikes #cycling #music #BAKE #mountainbiking #trailbuilding #singletrackmind #bikesbelong #commutebybike
Intro post. Haven’t done one of these in ages. My life revolves around bikes, food, music and my family. I run a bike shop/cafe in a small Minnesota town, put on a fun gravel ride with friends, gain access for #mountainbikes in our woods, and work to make sure #cycling connectivity in town gets safer. Love #music and going to shows, i cook and #bake all the time and gaze in Wonder at the people my kids are turning into. #mountainbiking #trailbuilding #singletrackmind #bikesbelong #commutebybike
#mountainbikes #cycling #music #BAKE #mountainbiking #trailbuilding #singletrackmind #bikesbelong #commutebybike