Zorro · @zorrobandito
230 followers · 1459 posts · Server aus.social
Zorro · @zorrobandito
203 followers · 1261 posts · Server aus.social

A couple of big rides over the last two days: Out west to the Cotter and then south to Tidbinbilla with brunch in Tuggers at Two Before Ten after following a single-track path along the Murrumbidgee river. Good ride: 80km, 1085m climbing.

Today we went out to Googong Dam, battling consistent headwinds and lots more hills! Brunch at Ma Ma Dumplings at the Fyshwick Markets!
66km, 966m climbing.

That's 200km for the week and 2600m of climbing. I'm having tomorrow off!

#cycling #cyclecanberra #biketooter #bikesleaningonshit #canberra #bikecanberra #specializedroubaix #specializedbikes #googong

Last updated 1 year ago

Zorro · @zorrobandito
145 followers · 884 posts · Server aus.social

@Wolfie_Rankin yes, I've done that and is well supported but sub-hashtags like are not.

I'm trying not to be entitled about it - I don't want someone to fix it - but I am missing it.

#cycling #bikesleaningonshit

Last updated 2 years ago

Zorro · @zorrobandito
142 followers · 855 posts · Server aus.social

A big ride out south, towards Tidbinbilla, and I rode a couple of sections I've never done before - visiting the tracking station and a ride around the nature reserve.

It was a great ride on a beautiful autumn day here in the ACT - mist on the river and clinging to the high slopes, sunshine in a big, open sky and a light, cool breeze. It's good to be alive!

#ridebikesbehappy #ridecanberra #bikecanberra #cyclecanberra #specializedroubaix #specializedbikes #tidbinbillanaturereserve #tidbinbillatrackingstation #bikesleaningonshit #bikephotography #cycling

Last updated 2 years ago