Non-scientific data collection: biking 3.3 miles mostly without any shoulder, 9 of 10 drivers moved over so that at least one set of tires was across the center line. 10th one moved over more than 3 feet. Thanks, Olympia WA drivers, for real.
For what it's worth, May have triggered the Mary Poppins effect since I'm wearing a blue flowered dress and riding an upright bike with a turquoise bag on the side.

#womenbike #skirtbike #bikestyle #bikeeverywhere #bikeoly #BikeTooter

Last updated 1 year ago

Typical bike style dilemma: Participating in a bike event where I'll be on stage do I bring Person with a Title energy to my outfit or Riding a Bike on a Saturday to the Farmers Market energy? To be fair, those two aren't that far apart in my closet.

#bikestyle #bikinginstyle #bikelove #bikelife #bicycleschangelives #bikeoly #farmersmarket #EarthDay #earthdaymarketride

Last updated 1 year ago

Updated my list of bike-related hashtags yet again. Added a new category for tags, for the work by Elly Blue and others to highlight economic benefits of bicycling, and more. This list is going to keep growing!

#bikestyle #bikenomics #cycling #BikeTooter #bikeeverywhere #bikemonth #bicycle #bikes #velo #bicibus #saferoutes #infrastructure #transportation #BikeArt

Last updated 1 year ago