Quick reminder: I am leading this free group ride on Saturday, August 12, at 9 am starting from Enatai Beach Park. Check out the progress on the Eastlink Extension of the light rail! We may even have a special guest in attendance :)
#SEAbikes #Bellevue #Redmond #BikeTooter #TransitRide #BikeTransit
#seabikes #bellevue #redmond #BikeTooter #transitride #biketransit
Bike to every station on the @wmata Silver Line Extension in my video! All of the stations are now open, & while the Loudoun County, VA stations were tricky to access, I found a way. I included a link to my route in the video description.
#bikeVA #bikeDC #bikeTransit #BikeTooter #WMATA #bikeTheMetro #Virginia #ArlingtonVA #FairfaxVA #Loudoun #Metro
#bikeva #bikedc #biketransit #BikeTooter #WMATA #bikethemetro #virginia #arlingtonva #fairfaxva #loudoun #metro
6/6 Final Silver Line stations
-I found bike-friendly access to Dulles Airport Station (after surviving Old Ox Rd's 45 mph traffic gauntlet): cut thru Garage 1, use elevators
-Loudoun Gateway Station: parking garage, station, nothing more
-Ashburn station means I made it!
#WMATA #SilverLine #BikeTooter #BikeTransit #bikeVA
#WMATA #SilverLine #BikeTooter #biketransit #bikeva
5/6 My Silver Line bike adventure headed into Phase 2 stations
-Herndon Station, upgraded from a bus park & ride
-seems so recent that there was barely anything here
-Innovation Center, surrounded by new housing & offices
-this is a paved sidepath, well, under all of the debris
#WMATA #SilverLine #BikeTooter #BikeTransit #bikeVA
#WMATA #SilverLine #BikeTooter #biketransit #bikeva
4/6 Moving on to Silver Line Phase 2 stations (opened in 2022)
-strange multi-sided tv displays outside Wiehle-Reston East
-stopping to have a Brunch Burger at Big Buns
-Reston Town Center surprisingly does not connect well to nearby major trail @WODTrail
#WMATA #SilverLine #BikeTooter #BikeTransit #bikeVA
#WMATA #SilverLine #BikeTooter #biketransit #bikeva
3/6 More Silver Line adventure pics
-The scale of this mural at the Boro by (Instagram: jessieandkatey) is what gets me
-Spring Hill station, contained within Route 7 (Leesburg Pike)
-gorgeous day on @WODTrail
-end of Phase 1 stations (opened in 2014), Wiehle-Reston East
#WMATA #SilverLine #BikeTooter #BikeTransit #bikeVA
#WMATA #SilverLine #BikeTooter #biketransit #bikeva
2/6 My Silver Line adventure took me into Tysons
-Tysons station: in the middle of shiny skyscrapers popping up everywhere
-Greensboro station has some nice murals nearby, but it is sandwiched between like 1,000 lanes (slight hyperbole) of noisy & speeding traffic (truth)
#WMATA #SilverLine #BikeTooter #BikeTransit #bikeVA
#WMATA #SilverLine #BikeTooter #biketransit #bikeva
1/6 Time for a bike + transit adventure in Virginia thread! I biked to every station on @WMATA's Silver Line Extension now that all of them are open #bikeVA
-started at East Falls Church (where Orange/Silver split)
-seen along @WODTrail
-1st of the Phase 1 stations: McLean
#WMATA #SilverLine #BikeTooter #BikeTransit
#bikeva #WMATA #SilverLine #BikeTooter #biketransit