From the National Association of City #Transportation Officials (NACTO):
"It’s time to reshape the federal document that shapes U.S. #streets—the Manual on Uniform #Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD)...which hasn’t been substantially updated in over half a century. The federal government is in the final stages of updating MUTCD....Here are the key changes we’ll be looking out for."
#TrafficSafety #Bikeways #BikeLanes #BusLanes #AutonomousVehicles #Pedestrian #Cyclist #SpeedLimits #Crosswalks #Intersections #BikeBoxes #UrbanPlanning #CompleteStreets #Bike #Walk #Bus #PublicTransport
#unitedstates #transportation #streets #traffic #BikeTooter #USA #trafficsafety #bikeways #bikelanes #buslanes #autonomousvehicles #pedestrian #cyclist #speedlimits #crosswalks #intersections #bikeboxes #urbanplanning #completestreets #bike #walk #bus #publictransport
✍️Mark Your Calendars✍
️On Wednesday, March 29, starting at 6:30pm, MCDOT will hold a virtual public hearing to discuss the latest progress of Segment 3 of the MacArthur Blvd Bikeway Improvements project in #BethesdaMD.
#transit #transitTooter #maryland #meeting #bikeways #montgomerycountymd #bicycles #MDCommuters
#bethesdamd #transit #transitTooter #maryland #meeting #bikeways #montgomerycountymd #bicycles #mdcommuters
@bandicoot I’m also interested in #UrbanPlanning #bikeways, and #DisabilityAccess
#urbanplanning #bikeways #disabilityaccess
A collection of upcoming #Columbus projects affecting the Summit and 4th #bikeways:
- Summit signals, Chitt to Hudson:
- Summit signals, Warren to 7th:
- Summit crosswalks, 3rd + 8th:
- 4th signals and crosswalks:
Timeline for design on these is spread across 2022-2025; I'd love to see #ColumbusDPS present their plans on all of these for public feedback — but I saw how that went with #Indianola. :/
#columbus #bikeways #columbusdps #indianola
Should #AnnArbor offer #bounty for reporting #drivers blocking #bikeLanes? -
The ongoing issue of #cars and #trucks #parking in and blocking #downtown Ann Arbor #bikeways has led local #cycling advocates to propose a new idea.
#annarbor #bounty #drivers #bikelanes #cars #trucks #parking #downtown #bikeways #cycling
Our government's solution for #ActiveMobility is merely a band-aid. #BikeLanes that aren't even all connected. It's short-term.
I'm rather disappointed none of the LGUs have come up with plans/designs for elevated #bikeways to combine with road-level bikeways.
Seems all our architects and urban planners have dropped dead from COVID. 🤨
#ActiveMobility #bikelanes #bikeways #Philippines #cycling #bikes #bicycles
If you are #travelling to the #Bordeaux area don‘t miss those beautiful #bikeways in the direction of the #sea. Tested with my beloved #brompton and a skateboard ^^
#brompton #sea #bikeways #bordeaux #travelling