It’s picturesque winter riding season #bikewinter #bikeCHI #biketooter
#bikewinter #bikeCHI #biketooter
A neat thing about this piece is that in talking to folks about how they bike through the winter, the journalist keeps running into the same people riding around #Chicago. #BikeChi #BikeWinter
15F, lots of steam off the river this morning #chibike #BikeWinter #BikeTooter
#chibike #bikewinter #BikeTooter
15F, lots of steam off the river this morning #chibike #BikeWinter #BikeTooter
#chibike #bikewinter #BikeTooter
I am so heckin jazzed to #bikewinter again. Nothing like a fresh snow ride and a nice Skratch hot chocolate or apple cider with a splash of bourbon. I know expecting the city to ever plow bikelanes sooner than 5 days after a storm is a pipe dream but I also kinda like the challenge #bikechi
#bikechi #bikewinter #chicago there's no bad weather, there's only insufficient layers