I'm growing tired of Luxembourg City's poor decisions when it comes to biking and alternatives to cars.
Bikes are not allowed on that side of Monterey's park now, forced on a bike lane that has obstacles every time I use it. This morning was especially dangerous. 😡
#Luxembourg #BikingToWork
11 km before 9 AM & below zero today morning. But at least the views were nice?
#mdrza #frostpendeln #bikingtowork #fedibikes
Among the many benefits of #bikingtowork is being able to capture moments like this. Here is a beautiful reddish-orange sunset over frozen Lake Wingra in #madisonwi taken from Vilas Park. What a view to end the year!
I always ride in the alleys because i do not trust sharrows, but there's a few hundred feet of road I *need* to go on and a very lovely human bag of shit tried to pass me on a double yellow line and pushed me into the streetcar tracks #cycling #bikingtowork
I need some fuckin bike lanes
I've finally moved to a place where I'm #bikingtowork and everywhere else. *such* a joy to hop on my bike and actually experience the city! I'm still cleaning my old apartment though, and so have to drive.
The lowest circle of Hell is hitting every red light on a drive that you didn't want to take anyway. I'm beyond ballistic right now, I could punch through steel. I swear I HIT EVERY LIGHT!!! THIS FEELS HOMOPHOBIC!!!
Question for cyclists / bike commuters: How worried are you about frost & ice? I love cycling to work, and have fairly fat tires on my mid-tail cargo bike (not electric… just slow). But I’ve fallen and broken a bone once on black ice (plus once on wet leaves when I stupidly took a corner way too fast).
Maybe I’m just clumsy, because I see plenty of cyclists out there. Vancouver frost might be particularly wet and slippery? Or am I being too cautious?
Any tips or ideas?